
Selected publications of the staff members


Высшая легкость созидания / Кацман, Роман

Roman Katsman

The Sublime Lightness of Creation. Next Hundred Years of Russian-Israeli Literature. (In Russian). Series: Contemporary Western Rusistika. Brighton MA: Academic Studies Press; St-Petersburg: BiblioRossika, 2021. More...

Roman Katsman

Elusive Reality: A Hundred Years of Russian-Israeli Literature (1920-2020). (In Russian). Series: Contemporary Western Russian Studies. Brighton MA: Academic Studies Press; St-Petersburg: BiblioRossika, 2020. More...


Roman Katsman

Nostalgia for a Foreign Land: Studies in Russian-Language Literature in Israel. Series: Jews of Russia and Eastern Europe and Their Legacy. Brighton MA: Academic Studies Press, 2016. More...

Maya Balakirsky Katz

Drawing the Iron Curtain: Jews and the Golden Age of Soviet Animation (Rutgers University Press, 2016). More...

1st Edition (Paperback) book cover

Rina Lapidus

Young Jewish Poets Who Fell as Soviet Soldiers in World War Two (London: Routledge Publishing House, 2014). More...

Jewish Women Writers in the Soviet Union book cover

Rina Lapidus

Jewish Women Writers in the Soviet Union (London: Routledge Publishing House, 2011). More...


Uri Bar-Noi

The Cold War and Soviet Mistrust of Churchill's Pursuit of Détente, 1951-1955 (Brighton and Portland: Sussex Academic Press, 2007). More...

Identity, Integration, and Conflict, 1st Edition (Paperback) book cover

Larissa Remennick

Russian Jews on Three Continents: Identity, Integration, and Conflict (New Brunswick and London: Transaction Publishers, 2007. More...

Cover Fragile Images

Mirjam Rajner

Fragile Images: Jews and Art in Yugoslavia, 1918-1945. Series:Balkan Studies Library, Volume: 26. Brill, 2019. More...