Prof. Nathan Cohen

    קורות חיים




    Date of Birth:  20.11.1961

    Place of Birth: Israel



    1983-1986:      B.Sc. with honors,

    Yiddish department and Jewish History department, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

    M.Sc. with honors,

    Yiddish department, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

    Title: “Day to Day life and Evaluation of the ‘Jewish Fate’ as Reflected in Diaries Written in Lithuania between the Years 1941-1945”.

    Prof. Y. Guttman, Supervisor.


    Yiddish department, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

    Title: ”The Jewish Literary and Journalistic Center in Warsaw Between 1920-1942 as Reflected  by the Association of Jewish Writers and Journalists”

    Prof. C. Shmeruk and Prof E. Mendelsohn, Supervisors.

    Professional Occupation

    1984-1989       Research assistant to Prof. C. Shmeruk, Yiddish Department, Hebrew University.

                            Teacher, Yiddish Department, Hebrew University.

                            Teacher, Summer Courses in Yiddish, Hebrew University.

                            Interviewer of Holocaust survivors for Yad Vashem.

    1991-1997       Historical guide for student groups visiting Poland.  

    1995                Lecturer at Tel-Aviv University and at the Hebrew University.

    1996-               Bar-Ilan University (Associate Professor).

                             Visiting professor, Hebrew University.

    Associate editor of Yad Vashem Studies

    2003-               Member of the managing board, Beit Shalom Aleychem, Tel Aviv

    2003-2008       Academic consultant to a project investigating Rabbinical writings

                            the Holocaust for a data base. Jerusalem Women’s College

    2005-2007      Member of the Planning Committee for Yiddish Studies

                            in Israeli High Schools. Ministry of Education

    2010 -              Member of the academic council of The World Union

                            of Jewish Studies

    2014 -              Member of the council of the National Authority for Yiddish Culture




    My primary field of research is the history of Yiddish culture in 19th and 20th century Eastern European.

    My initial research project (Books, Writers and Newspapers: The Jewish Cultural Center in Warsaw, 1918-1942, Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2003) provides a comprehensive and detailed examination of the history of the tri-lingual Jewish literary life in interwar Warsaw in general, with particular emphasis on the Yiddish sphere. A central place in my research was devoted to the professional union of Jewish writers and journalists in Warsaw (better known as “Tłomackie 13”), under the umbrella of which came together Hebrew, Yiddish and Polish writers. Other aspects of Jewish cultural life in the Polish Second Republic which I examined in various publications and forums, were linguistic (including the acculturation process), literal and political in nature.

    One of the most significant voices in the Yiddish literary discourse of this period and later, was that of Isaac Bashevis-Singer. His life and literary works received a significant attention in my academic work.  

    In order to provide a complete picture of the history of the Yiddish literary center in Warsaw, I have also examined the attempts of Holocaust Survivors and those returning from exile in the Soviet Union to revive and rehabilitate the center in the years 1944–1949.  

    Among the numerous subjects which I teach, I devote significant attention to the three classic writers of modern Yiddish literature (Shalom Yankev Abramovitsh – better known as Mendele Moykher Sforim, Shalom Aleichem and Yitzhok Leibush Peretz), whose works signal the transformation of Yiddish writing from a traditional folk literature into one of significant artistic and aesthetic character.

    Another field of research which occupy my interests is the examination of changing reading habits (in Yiddish) among Jews in Tsarist Russia between 1860s and the First World War. This include the shift from traditional to secular, including popular scientific texts of all genres. The rise of modern Yiddish publishing activities, Journalism and establishment of public libraries. This project was awarded a research grant from the Israel Science Foundation, that promoted its publication in a forthcoming book (Yiddish – The Linguistic Leap from a Common Dialect to a Cultural and Literary Language, Jerusalem: The Zalman Shazar Center [2020]).

    A special place is reserved, among my research interests, for the Holocaust period. This is reflected in my teaching courses on Yiddish literature which was written during and after the Holocaust. I also serve as the associate editor of the semi-annual scholarly journal Yad Vashem Studies, and am involved in various projects and publications in this field.  


    Nathan Cohen


                                                   List of  Publications




    1. Books, writers and Newspapers: The Jewish Cultural Center in Warsaw, 1918-1942, Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2003, 363pp. (Hebrew)
    2. Yiddish – The Linguistic Leap from a Common Dialect to a Cultural and Literary Language, Jerusalem: The Zalman Shazar Center [2020] (Hebrew)


    Books Edited


    3. Nathan Cohen, Esther Farbstein and Asaf Yedidya (eds.), Memory in Book: The Holocaust in Prefaces to Rabbinical Literature, Jerusalem: Reuven Mass, 2008, 320pp. (Hebrew)


    4. Associate Editor of Yad Vashem Studies, Volumes 26 (1999) onward


    Articles in Journals and chapters in Books


    5. “The Destruction of the Jews of Butrimonys as Described in a Farewell Letter from a Local Jew”,

    Holocaust and Genocide Studies 4(3) (1989) pp. 357-375   


    6. “Diaries of the Sonderkommandos in Aushwitz: Coping with Fate and Reality”,

    Yad Vashem Studies 20 (1990) pp.273-312    (English and Hebrew)


    7. “The Neurenberg Laws as Reflected in the Jewish Press in Warsaw”,

    Yalkut Moreshet 48 (1992) pp.33-54   (Hebrew)


    8. “The Sensationalist Jewish Press in Warsaw Between the Two World Wars”,

    Qesher 11 (1992) pp.80-94   (Hebrew)


    9. “The Reality of Extermination as Reflected in Diaries Written in Lithuania Between 1941 and 1945”,

    Dapim Lecheker Tkufat Hashoa (1993) pp.257-278   (Hebrew)


    10. “Diaries of the Sonderkommando”, in Y.Gutman and M.Berenbaum (eds.), Anatomy of the Aushwits Death Camp, Bloomington and Indianapolis:  Indiana university Press (1994) pp.522-534  


    11. “The Attitude of Lithuanians Towards Jews During the Holocaust as reflected in Diaries”, in The Days of Memory – International Conference in Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Liquidation of the Vilnius Ghetto, October 11-16  1993, Vilnius 1995, pp.211-216  


    12. “’The Press is Swallowing Up our Literature”: The Relationship Between Yiddish Authors and Journalists in Poland During the Interwar Period’,

    Qesher 18 (1995) pp.87-92   (Hebrew)


    13. “The Jewish Writers and Journalists Association in Warsaw in the Life and Writings of I.B.Singer”, in Chone Shmeruk and Shmuel Werses (eds.), Between Two World Wars , Jerusalem: Magnes Press (1997) pp.247-264   (Hebrew)


    14. “The Last Days of the Jewish Literary and Press Center in Warsaw”,

    Galed 15-16 (1997) pp.145-168    (Hebrew)


    15. “The Hebrew Literary Milieu in Poland (1920-1939) and its Connections with the Literary establishment in Eretz Yisrael”,

    Tarbitz 67 (1998) pp.379-395   (Hebrew)


    16. “A Doomed Struggle: Hebrew Dailies in Warsaw Between the World Wars”,

    Qesher 23 (1998) pp. 93-101   (Hebrew)


    17. “The Contribution of the Bund to Jewish Cultural Life in Poland Between the Two World Wars”,

    Chulyot 5 (1999) pp. 291-306   (Hebrew)


    18. “Czy mozliwa jest ortodoksyjna beletrystyka? Polemika w ortodoksyjnych czasopismach” (Is there any Orthodox Belles-Letters? A Polemics in Orthodox Journals), M. Galas (red.), Duchowosc Zydowska w Polsce, Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka, 2000, pp. 383-390 (Polish)


    19. “Tłomackie 13 – The Heart and Soul of Jewish Literary Warsaw”, in: Eleonora Bergman and Olga Zienkiewicz (eds.), Żydzi Warszawy, Warszawa: Żydowski Instytut Historyczny, 2000, pp. 91-98


    20. “Young Yiddish Literature in Interwar Poland: its Publications and Struggle for recognition”, Israel Bartal and Israel Gutman (eds.), The Broken Chain: Polish Jewry through the Ages, II, Jerualem: Zalman Shazar Center, 2001, pp. 233-252 (Hebrew).


    21. “Jewish Daily Newspapers in Poland”,

    Israel Bartal and Israel Gutman (eds.), The Broken Chain: Polish Jewry through the Ages, II, Jerualem: Zalman Shazar Center, 2001, pp. 301-326 (Hebrew).


    22. “Zvi Prilutski’s Memoirs as a Source for the Research of Yiddish Journalism in Warsaw”, David Assaf, Israel Bartal, Shmuel Feiner and others (eds.), Studies in East European Jewish History and Culture in Honor of Professor Shmuel Werses, Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2002, pp. 385-402 (Hebrew).


    23. “The Bund’s Contribution to yiddish Culture in Poland between the two World wars”, in: J. Jacobs (ed.), Jewish Politics in Eastern Europe: the Bund at 100, Hampshire: Palgrave, 2001, pp. 112-130 (revised version of number 16)


    24. “Revealing Bashevis’s Earliest Autobiographical Novel, Varshe 1914-1918”,

    Seth L. Wolitz (ed.), the Hidden Isaac Bashevis singer, Austin: University of Texas Press 2001, pp. 151-161


    25. “The Jews of Independent Poland – Linguistic and Cultural Changes”,

    Ernest Krausz and Gitta tulea (eds.) Starting the Twenty-First Century, New Brunswick and London: Transaction Publishers, 2002, pp. 161-175.


    26. “Jewish Libraries in Interwar Poland and Their Readers”,

    Zion, 67 (2002), pp. 163-188 (Hebrew)


    27. “Yitskhok Bashevis-Zinger and the Writers’ and Journalists’ Association in Warsaw”, In: Hugh Denman (Ed.), Isaac Bashevis Singer: His Work and His World, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2002, pp. 169-182 (revised version of number 12)


    28. “The Last Days of the Vilna Ghetto: Pages from a Diary”,

    Yad Vashem Studies 31 (2003), pp. 15-60.


    29. “Shund and the Tabloids: Popular Reading in Inter-War Poland”,

    Polin, 16 (2003), 189-211.


    30. “The Renewed Association of Jewish Writers and Journalists in Poland, 1944-

    1948”, in: Joseph Sherman (ed.), Yiddish after the Holocaust, Oxford: Boulevard,

    2004, pp. 15-36


    31. “’An Ugly and Repulsive Idler’ or a Talented and Seasoned Editor: S.Y. Yatzkan

    and The Beginnings of the Popular Yiddish Press in Warsaw”, Jews in Russia and

     Eastern Europe 1-2 (54-55) (2005), 28-53


    32. “The Publicistic Writings of  of Yitzhak Katzenelson during

    the Nazi Rise to Power”,

    Gal-ed 20 (2006), pp. 101-111 (Hebrew).


    33. “Between the Pain of Survival and the Joy of Rescue: The History of Two Rabbis

    during and following the Nazi Occupation”,

    Dapim: Studies on the Shoa 20 (2006), 113-124 (Hebrew).


    34. “The Yiddish Press and Yiddish Literature: A Fertile but Complex Relationship”
    Modern Judaism 28 (2) 2008, pp. 149-172


    35. “Kadya Molodowsky’s Status and Activity in the Jewish Literary Milieu in Warsaw”,

    Bikoret uparshanut 40 (2008), pp. 163-174 (Hebrew)


    36. “’We are Mourners as Long as we are Alive’: Coping with the Painful Memory”, in: Nathan Cohen, Esther Farbstein and Asaf Yedidya (eds.), Memory in Book: The Holocaust in Prefaces to Rabbinical Literature, Jerusalem: Reuven Mass, 2008, pp. 63-68 (Hebrew)


    37. “Przyczyny emigracji pisarzy jidysz z polski (1945-1948)”, Magdalena Ruta (ed.), Nusech Pojln: Studia z dziejów kultury jidysz w Powojennej Polsce, Kraków, Budapeszt: Austeria, 2008, pp. 231-246 (Polish).

    English version: “Motives for the Emigration of Yiddish Writers from Poland (1945-1948)”, Elvira Grözinger and Magdalena Ruta (eds.), Under the Red Banner:

    Yiddish Culture in the Communist Countries in the Postwar Era, Wiesbaden: Harissowitz verlag, 2008, pp. 157-163.


    38. “Theater and Politics: The Debate in the Warsaw Jewish Press Regarding Itsik Manger’s Adaptation of the ‘Kishefmakherin’ (1937),

    Bikoret uparshanut 41 (2009), pp. 131-140 (Hebrew).


    39. “Ben Tzion Katz & Yiddish”,

    Kesher 38 (2009), pp. 117-120 (Hebrew)


    40. “Isaac Bashevis-Singer’s Attitude to the Yiddish Theater as Shown in His Works”, in: Edna Nahshon (ed.), Jewish Theatre: A Global View, Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2009, pp. 49-61


    41. “Polish Literature for Yiddish Readers: Yiddish Translations of Polish Literature”, Teksty Drugie 6 (2009), pp. 174-184 (Polish)


    42. "The Presentation of The Shoa in Isaac Bashevis' Works", Bishvil Hazikaron 8 (2011), pp. 32-37 (Hebrew)


    43. "What did East European Yiddish Readers Know about Cancer (1902-1939)?", Modern Judaism 32 (2012), pp. 216-241


    44. "Sherlock Holmes in the Pale of Settlement: Yiddish Crime Stories 1860–1914", in: Marion Aptroot, Efrat Gal-Ed Roland Gruschka and Simon Neuberg (eds.) Leket: Yiddish Studies Today, Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, 2012, pp. 253-278


    45. "'A Jewish Woman with the Head of a Man': A Portrait of the Rebetsn Bath-Sheva Singer", in: Israel Bartal and others (eds.), A Touch of Grace: Studies in Ashkenazi Culture, Women's History, and the Languages of the Jews Presented to Chava Turniansky, Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History and The Center for Research on Polish Jewry, The Hebrew University: Jerusalem 2013, pp. 335-349 (Hebrew)


    46. "Jewish Youth Reads Polish", in: Daniel Blatman (ed.), Conflicting Histories and Coexistance: New Perspectives on the Jewish-Polish Encounter, The Center for Research on Polish Jewry, The Hebrew University and Magnes Press: Jerusalem 2014 (Hebrew)


     47. "From the Market Place to the University: Yiddish Language and Culture as an

     Academic Field", Studia Judaica 1 (33) (2014), pp. 7-17 (Polish)


    48. "Distributing Knowledge: Warsaw as a Center of Jewish Publishing, 1850-1914",

     Glenn Dynner and Franҫois Guesnet (eds.), Warsaw. The Jewish Metropolis: Essays

     in Honor of the 75th Birthday of Professor Antony Polonsky, Leiden and Boston:

     Brill, 2015, pp. 180-206


    49. "The Love Story of Esterke and Kzimierz, King of Poland – New Perspectives",

    European Journal of Jewish Studies 9 (2015), pp. 174-207



    50. "Reading Polish among Yong Jewish People", Polin 28 (2016), pp. 173-186


    51. “I.L. Peretz’s Part in the Warsaw Yiddish Publishing Arena”, in: Alina Molisak and Shoshana Ronen (eds.), The Trilingual Literature of Polish Jews from Different Perspectives: In Memory of I.L. Peretz, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Cambridge 2017, pp. 254-267




    Book Reviews in periodicals:


    52. “Ken Frieden, Classic Yiddish Fiction: Abramovitsh, Sholem Aleichem and Peretz (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995, pp. 364)”, Studies in Contemporary Jewry 15 (1999), pp. 234-236.


    53. “Encyclopedia of Holocaust Literature: A First Step”, S. Lillian Kremer, ed., Holocaust Literature: An Encyclopedia of Writers and Their Work, 2 vols. (New York and London: Routledge, 2003, xlvii+1499 pp.), Yad Vashem Studies 32 (2004), pp. 495-500 (Hebrew and English).


    54. “Shimon Frost, Schooling as a Socio-Political Expression: Jewish Education in Interwar Poland (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1998); pp. 176”, Polin 18 (2005), pp. 413-415.


    55. “Hagit Cohen, At the Bookseller’s Shop: The Jewish Book Trade in Eastern Europe

    At the End of the Nineteen Century (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2006); 188 pp. Zion

    71 (2008), pp. 90-93 (Hebrew)


    56. “Writing Styles and Political Ideology – David Bergelson and his Work”, Joseph Serman and Gennady Estraikh (ed.), David Bergelson: From Modernism to Socialist Realism (Oxford: Legenda 2007, 363pp.), Tarbiz 77 (2008), pp. 601-608


    57. "Joanna Nalewajko-Kulikov et. al. (eds.), Studia z dziejów trójjęzycznej prasa Żydowskiej na ziemiach Polskich (XIX-XX w.), (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Neriton: Instytut Historii PAN, 2012, 573 pages)", Gal-Ed 24 (2015), pp. 181-187


    58. "Literature Tells History": Literature of the Holocaust, Edited by Alan Rosen (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) 2013, 310 pp., Yad Vashem Studies 43:2 (2015), pp. 229-237






    Entries in Encyclopedia and Lexicons


    1. “Butrymonis”, in Dov Levin (es.), Pinkas Hakehilot: Lithuania, Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1996, pp. 163-166


    2. “Turniansky Chava”, in: Paula E. Hyman & Dalia Ofer (eds.), Jewish women: a comprehensive historical encyclopedia (electronic resource), Jerusalem:‎ Shalvi Publishing,‎‪ c2006


    3. “Isaac Meir Weissenberg”, in: Joseph Sherman, Dctionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 333: Yiddish Writers, Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2007, pp. 332-336


    4-5. “’Shund’ Literature and Newspapers”; “Warsaw as a Yiddish Cultural Center”, in: Yirmiyahu Yovel (ed.), New Jewish Time: Jewish Culture in a Secular Age- an Encyclopedic View, Vol. 1 and 3, Jerusalem: Keter, 2007, pp. 314-315, 350-354


    6-32. “Association of Jewish Writers ans Journalists”, “Bader, Gershom”, “Emyot, Yisroel”, “Finkelshteyn, Leo”, “Gebirtig, Mordkhe”, “Globus”, “Haynt”, “Horontshik, Shimen”, “Horovits, Ber”, “Imber, Shmuel Yankev”, “Jaszunksi, Jozef”, “Kaganovski, Froyim”, “Karlinski, Ber”, “Kenigsberg, Dovid”, “Lerer, Yekhiel”, “Literarishe Bleter”, “Literarishe Tribune”, “Mieses, Matthias”, “Der Moment”, “Olitski Brothers”, Perle, Yoshue”, “Rapaport, Yoshue”, “Reyzen, Avrom”, “Shtern Yisroel”, “Spektor, Mordkhe”, “Segalovitsh, Zusman”, “Yustman, Moyshe Bunem” (27 entries) in: Gershon David Hundert (ed.), The YIVO Encyclopedia of

    Jews in Eastern Europe, 1-2, New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2008



    Participation in confertences:



    (in chronological order)


    1991                Polish Jewish Relations  (Tel-Aviv University), my paper:

                           “Sensational Jewish Newspapers in Interwar Poland”.

    1993                 Isaac Bashevis Singer (University College London), my paper:

                             “The Association of Jewish Writers in Warsaw in the Life and Fiction

                              of Isaac Bashevis Singer”.

    “Days of Memory” – Fifty Years to the Liquidation of the Vilna

     Ghetto (Vilnius University), my paper: “Jewish Lithuanian Relations

     as Reflected in Diaries Written by Lithuanian Jews, 1941-1944”.

    1996                 Polish Jewish History (Hebrew University, Jerusalem), my paper:

                            “Jewish Newspapers and the Jewish Family”

    1997                World Congress of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem), my paper:

                             “Jewish Public Libraries in Interwar Poland”.

     A Hundred Years of the ‘Bund’ (Warsaw University and the Jewish

     Historical Institute, Warsaw), my paper: “The Bund’s Contribution to Yiddish Culture in Interwar Poland”.

                1999                “The Real Bashevis and his Creation: I.B.Singer” (Austin University,

                                         Austin, Texas), my paper: “Bashevis’ and Unknown

                                         Autobiographical Novel”.

                                                     “Jewish Spirituality in Poland” (Jagielonian University, Cracow), my

                                                      Paper: “Is ‘Orthodox Belletristic’ Possible? – A Polemic in Yiddish

                                                           Orthodox Periodicals in Poland, 1920-1939”.                                                                2000                 The Jews of Warsaw in the XIX-XX Centuaries (Jewish Historical

                         Institute, Warsaw), my paper: “Tłomackie 13- The Heart and Soul of

                         Jewish Literary Warsaw”.

     “Yiddish: Culture, Ideology, Politics” (Hifa University), my paper:

     “The Yiddish Press in Poland Between the Two World Wars”.

     “Libraries and Book Collections” (The Zalman Shazar Center for

      Jewish History), my paper: “Jewish Libraries and their Consumers in

      Interwar Poland”.

    2001                “Women in Yiddish Culture” (Bar Ilan University), my papers:

                            “Kadye Molodowski’s Position in the Yiddish Literary Milieu in Interwar Warsaw”.

    1.           “Jewish Theatere” (University College, London), my paper:

    “Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Attitude to the Yiddish Theatre as reflected in       is Works”.

     2003                “Polish Jewry in the Second World War in Light of Recent Studies”

                             (Haifa University), my paper: “Incorrigible Jew – Itzhak Katzenelson

                              the Publicist (1933-1939).

    “Yiddish After the Holocaust” (Oxford Center for Hebrew and Jewish  Studies), my paper: “The Renewed Association of Yiddish Writers and Journalists’ in Poland and its Activities, 1945-1948)”.

                            “Jewish Popular Culture in Poland Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”

                             (The Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies at the Polish Embassy,

                             London), my paper: “The Beginnings of the Jewish Sensational Press

                             in Poland and its Development”                                                                             2004                 “Jews and Polish Philosophy between the Wars” (Hebrew University),

                              my paper: “Native Foreigners: The Status of Jewish Writers in Polish

                             Cultural Life Between the Wars”.

                             “Women Read and Write Yiddish” (Haifa University), my paper:

                             “What did Bas-Sheyve Singer Read?”.

    2005                “Bergelson and His Circle” (Oxford Center for Hebrew and Jewish

                              Studies), my paper: “’In Span’: Contributors, Content and


    2006                 “VIII EAJS” Conference, Moscow, my paper: “The Writer as Reader:

                              The Reading Experience in the Making of Yiddish Writers in Eastern


                             “Insiders, Outsiders and Modern East European Jewry” (Hebrew

                               University), my paper: “The Esterke Story: New Sources and

                               Additional Perspectives”.

                              “Yiddish Culture in the Communist Countries in the Post-War Era”

                              (Jagielonian University, Cracow), my paper: “Motives for the

                               Emigration of Yiddish Writers from Poland (1945-1949).

    2007                   “The Multiple Voices of Modern Yiddish Culture” (Menashe Ben

                                Israel Institute, Amsterdam University), my paper: “Yiddish Press

                                      in Service of Yiddish Literature”. 

    2008                    The Polish Academy of Sciences' Polish-Israeli investigation's

                                workshop. My paper: “Polish Literature for the Yiddish Reader –

                                Modes of translation”

                                The First Conference of Jewish Studies in Warsaw (Warsaw). My

                                 paper: “The Esterke and Kazimir Story - New Perspectives”.

                                 "Polish-Jewish literature and its cultural contexts. Present state 

                                 and perspectives of survey". My paper: Polish Reading in Jewish

                                 Libraries in Interwar Poland.

    2009                     15th World Congress of Jewish Studies (Jerualem) My paper:

                                 "Reading and Readers in Modern Yiddish Literature”

                                  A Century of Yiddish 1908-2008 (Hebrew University, Jerusalem),

                                  My paper: “Yiddish Translators and their Profesional state”

    2010                      Warsaw – the History of a Jewish Metropolis (University College,

                                  London), my paper: Distributing Knowledge: Warsaw as a

                                  Center of Jewish Publishing, 1850-1914”

    2011                      IVX Symposium of Yiddish Studies in Germany (Trier University)

                                  My paper: "Featurs of the Yiddish Crime Literature"

    2012                     Round the Point: Jewish Languages, Literatures and Cultures (Bar

                                Ilan University)

                                My paper: Yiddish Literary Series: Bibliotekn for the East-

                                 European Yiddish Reader, 1888 - 1914

    2013                     25 Years Yiddish Studies in Poland (Jagielonian University,

                                 Cracaw). Key note lecture: The History of Yiddish Studies Around

                                 the World, 1925-2013.

                                 XVI World Congress of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem).

                                 My paper: The Experience of Reading as Reflected in Jewish

                                 Women’s Memoirs inYiddish

    2015                     Ttadition and the Avant-garde: Trilingual Literatur of Polish Jews

                                  (University of Warsaw). My paper: Awaking Publishing Activity in

                                  Yiddish and Y.L. Peretz's Part in it (1890-1914)

                                 Y.L. Peretz and his Circle (Jewish Muzeum in Warsaw and The

                                  Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland).

                                  My paper: Peretz's part in the Yiddish Daily Newspapers,


          Tangled Heritage: Jewish Publishing Cultures in the Interwar

          Period (Rozenzweig Minerva Research Center, Jerusalem)

          My paper: Yiddish Publishing Strategies in Poland (1900-1939)

    2016                      Sholem Aleichem, 1916-2016: Writing Place (Hebrew University

                                  and Tel Aviv University).

                                  My paper: Sholem Aleichem Activities and Initiatives in

                                  Filantropic Enterprises.

                                  Second International Conference: Hebrew and Yiddish in the

                                  Context of Contemporary Education and Culture (St. Petersburg

                                  State University). My Paper: Yiddish as a Means for Learning


                                  6th Litvak Days in LondonEmbassy of the Republic of

                                  Lithuanian (London) and University Colledge, London My

                                  Paper: Yiddish as a Means of Learning Foreign Languages.

    2017                      Chone Shmeruk: In Memoriam (Polin, Museum of the History

                                  of Polish Jews, Warsaw). My paper: From Warsaw to erusalem

                                  and Back: Chone Shmeruk’s Contribution to Yiddish Studies.

    2018                       The XIth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies

                                   (Cracow). My Paper:  Royalties and Copyrights in the Yiddish

                                   Literary Sphere, 1860 – 1914.

                                   1938 and Beyond: New Perspectives on Crucial Years from East

                                   And West (Humboldt University, Berlin). My Paper: 1938 as

                                   Reflected in Warsaw Yiddish Newspapers.             

     2019                      2nd Interdiscyplinary Conference of The Polish Association of

                                   Yiddish Studies (Polin, Museum of the History of Polish Jews,

                                    Warsaw). My paper: Yiddish Publications Regarding Health and



    Last Updated Date : 04/12/2022