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Prof. Hillel Weiss

building 410, floor 3, room 325
שעות קבלה
by appointment
    קורות חיים

    Curriculum Vitae

    Academic Profile

    Professor Hillel Weiss

    Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel

    Shvat/5771  ‏16/01/2011

    15 Pelach-Harimon St.

    Elkana 44814 (346)



    Born in Israel, 1945.

    Academic Education

    1965-1978 Bar-Ilan University: BA, MA, PhD in Hebrew and Comparative Literature,

    1965-1970 Hebrew University [Tel Aviv ] Law School, LLB.

    1970-1972 Hebrew Literature Researcher,  Katz Institute, Tel-Aviv University, 

    1974 Member of the Israeli Bar Association.

    1980-1981  Initiated a proposal that was ultimately realized to develop the Responsa Project [Proyekt HaSh’ut] to store and apply an advanced retrieval system to  the entire corpus of Jewish scribes  from the Bible and on. Served as a member of a steering committee set up for this goal following my initiative, nominated by the dean of Jewish Studies Faculty  Dr.  Menahem Cohen in 1981. Wrote all the documents and programs for this committee

    1982- 1985 Head of the Hebrew Literature Department and Kurzweil Institute for Literary Research, 

    Changed the name and the purpose of ”The Department of Hebrew Literature”  to "The Department of Literature of the Jewish People". Established the Yiddish Section, expanding it   from one course to a program of courses and established the Ladino Section.

    1976-2000  Editor of the academic journal “Criticism and Interpretation” (in Hebrew), Bar-Ilan University Press.

    1980-1992  Developed theories and applications for storage, mapping,  indexing and analyzing texts by computer. The project has been supported by ISF grants.

    Some of them have been transplanted into the Responsa Project.

    1983-1987  Accomplished the computerized storing of the Complete Works of Agnon, in collaboration with and under the supervision of  Reuven Mirkin from the Academy  for the Hebrew Language.

    1985 -1986 Visiting Scholar, Yarnton , Oxford University and  Jews College, London.

    1989  Established the Multimedia Laboratory in the Jewish Studies Faculty, the first of its kind in Bar-Ilan University,

    1994-2000 Headed five teams for separate disciplines for developing Hypermedia systems for teaching Bible, Literature, Geography and Biology at  'Mofet' Institute for the Teachers of the Teachers Levinski College of Education, Tel Aviv,

    2001-2011   Developed, together with Yosef  Abraham, digital courses for advanced academic programs, which are based on results of a comprehensive research: Theory, Models, Indexing.

    2010 Produced a CD of  “Love Stories  by Agnon”, Jaffa Period,  1912-1908.

     With Yossef Abraham, Boris Kotlerman, and Orna Levin.

    Dynamic Indexing, and hypermedia,  analyzed by computer  aid in deconstructing and construction of texts. (CD contains some  700  pages) for the Agnon Research Center at Bar-Ilan University.



    Ain Gimel, a Journal for Agnon Research. Established with Dr. Roman Katsman, Boris Kotlerman and Orna Levin with an international academic committee.



    Received grants from the ISF from 1982 and onward


    In 2000-2003 G.I.F grant for : The German Period of Agnon’s Works [19012-1924 and the Presence of the German World in the Writings of S. Y. Agnon.

    2004-2007 ISF The Eretz Yisrael Period [1924-1934] and its Place in Agnon’s Work.

    2009- 2012 ISF Academic Electronic Edition [1934-1969]


    1995    Awarded Full Professor Degree.

                A member of Bar-Ilan University Senate.

     1990  Head of the Hebrew Literature Teaching Department in 'Orot' College,Elkana.


    Supervisor of some 20 PhD and 10 M.A  candidates.  


    research project:

    1. (Israel Science Foundation (ISF) - 2008-09 Individual Research Program) Towards Academic & Electronical Edition On Agnon´s Work Between 1934-1969

    publications:In: Weiss, Hillel. (ed.) Holocaust in Agnon's Work [in Hebrew], In Press.

    In: Weiss, Hillel. (ed.) The German World & the German Period in Agnon's Work; Together With G.I.F Göttingen German Group Research Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, In Press.

    Weiss, Hillel. "In the Depths - a Study in Poland Stories, Including Scientific Edition" [in Hebrew] Criticism & Interpretation, Bar-Ilan University , In Press.

    Weiss, Hillel. "The Secret of the Sea of Galilee & the Jordan River " 50 Years To Rehovot Hanahar By U.Z. Grinberg [in Hebrew] Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, In Press.

    Weiss, Hillel. "The Digitized Princess - a Study And Research in Computerized Classical Text" Yoav Elstein Book [in Hebrew] Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, In Press.

    Weiss, Hillel. "Between Water To Water - The Reasons For Awarding Brenner Prize To Sami Michael " [in Hebrew] Apiryon, In Press.

    Weiss, Hillel. The Jaffa Period in Hypermedia. The Publication of the 13 Congress of the World Organization of the Jewish Studies [in Hebrew], In Press.

    Weiss, Hillel. The Sources of 'The Widow' (Ha-Aguna) and Its Fabrications by S.Y. Agnon (Holts Book) [in Hebrew] New York, Jewish Theological Seminar, In Press.

    In: Weiss, Hillel; Katsman, Roman; Kotlerman, Dov-Ber and Levin, Orna (eds.) Ayin Gimel: A Journal of Agnon Studies., pp. 290., 2011. Available:

    Kotlerman, Boris "Historical Time and Space in Agnon's Poland Stories" In: Becker, H-J. and Weiss, Hillel (eds.) Agnon and Germany, pp. 361-374. Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 2010.

    Weiss, Hillel, Kotlerman, Boris, Yossef, Avraham. "ייחודו ומקומו של הסיפור "במצולות" במחזור אגדות פולין של עגנוןמעשה סיפור: מחקרים בסיפורת היהודית [in Hebrew], pp. 296-324. רמת-גן, בר-אילן, 2009.

    Weiss, Hillel. "On "Preida" By Naomi Frenkel" [in Hebrew] Nativ, vol. 27, 2004, pp. 93-95.

    Weiss, Hillel. "An Eye of Fire. Myth, Memory, History And Folklore- Their Meaning And Adaptation in The Store of Mr. Lublin" [in Hebrew] Yeda Am - Journal of the Israel Folklore Society, 2003, pp. 7-24.

    Weiss, Hillel. "To Die Or To Conquer the Summit" [in Hebrew] Ha-Umma, vol. 41, 2003, pp. 8-13.

    Weiss, Hillel. "The Messianic Theme in Works of A.B. Yehoshua And Amos Oz" Israel And the Post - Zionists - A Nation At Risk, pp. 204-226. Sussex, Sussex Academic Press , 2003.

    Weiss, Hillel. "Haaguna, A Forgotten Story By S.Y. Agnon And His Hassidic Source " Essays On Hebrew Literature in the Honor of Avraham Holtz, pp. 125-140. New York, JTS Jewish Theological Seminary of America , 2003.

    Weiss, Hillel. "Driving Out the Shekina - Fighting the Anima: Oz & Joshua Against Tehilla of S.Y. Agnon" [in Hebrew] Akdamot, Journal For Jewish Thought, 2003, pp. 131-149.

    Weiss, Hillel. "Between Zionism And Post Zionism , The Messianic Theme in A.B. Yehoshua & Amos Oz, " King's Way [in Hebrew], pp. 321-354., ACPR (Ariel Center For Policy Research), 2003.

    Weiss, Hillel. "Nes Har Habait Be-Shirat A-Tsag. The Mount Temple Miracle in the Poetry of ATSA"G " Nativ, vol. 16, 2003, pp. 54-62.

    Weiss, Hillel. The King's Way, Politics - Literature - Documents [in Hebrew], pp. 436., ACPR (Ariel Center For Policy Research) , 2003.

    Weiss, Hillel. "Until Now (Ad Hena), As a Preface To The Holocaust" [in Hebrew] Criticism & Interpretation, Journal For Hebrew Liteature Research, Bar-Ilan Univ. Press , vol. 35-36, 2002, pp. 111-146.

    Weiss, Hillel. "A Piece of a Sky, Critic On Maane. Collection of Stories By R. Tubul," Nequda, 2002, pp. 34-35.

    Weiss, Hillel. "Fabrication of a Hasssidic Tale By S.Y Agnon" [in Hebrew] Yeda-Am Journal For Jewish Folklore , vol. 61-62, 2001, pp. 9-25.

    Weiss, Hillel. "Analogy from the Darkness " [in Hebrew] Nativ, 2001, pp. 81-82.

    Weiss, H. "Preface to Holocaust Study Research on "Ad Hena"" [in Hebrew] Bikoret Uparshanut, 2001, pp. 30.

    Weiss, H. "H-Matconet V'hadmut, Research and Studies on the Poetry of U.Tz. Grinberg" In: Weiss, H. (ed.) Messiah Without Messiah- A Revealed and Hidden Topic in the Book [in Hebrew], pp. 11-28. Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 2000.

    Weiss, H. (ed.) Ha-Matqonet V-H-Dmut Studies on U.Tz. Grinberg [in Hebrew], 2000.

    Weiss, H. "Messiah Without Messianism, Preface to a Research Book on the Poetry of U.T.S Grinberg" In: Weiss, H.; Lipsker, A.; Friedlander, Y. and Guri, L. (eds.) Ha-Matqonet We-Ha-Dmut [in Hebrew] Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 2000.

    In: Weiss, Hillel. (ed.) Ha-Matqonet Ve-Ha-Dmut , Studies On Grinbergs Poetry , pp. 525., Bar-Ilan University Press , 2000.

    Weiss, Hillel, Dabby-Joury, Lilian. Studies On the Poetry of Uri Zvi Greenberg [in Hebrew], pp. 535. Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 2000.

    Weiss, H. "Jewish People Where Are You?" Nativ, vol. 13, 2000, pp. 35.

    Weiss, H. ""Who Am I, and What is in Front of You" on the Novel "Te'um Qawanot"" [in Hebrew] Amudim, vol. 635, 1999, pp. 20-26.

    Weiss, H. "Between the Doe in the Field and the Noga Pill on the Historic Novel "Barqa'I",neomi Frankel" [in Hebrew] Nequda, vol. 225, 1999, pp. 45-47.

    Weiss, H. "The Rose of Depth (on S. Tzimerman Research Upon Bialik Poetry)" [in Hebrew] Amudim, vol. 630, 1999, pp. 25-29.

    Weiss, H. "Condolences in the Settlements (on Kaf Ha-Qela by Shmuel Lerman)" [in Hebrew] Nequda, vol. 212, 1998, pp. 36-39.

    Weiss, H. "Wehaya 'Agnon Lemishor. Criticism on Dan Laor, Biography of Agnon" [in Hebrew] Nequda, vol. 221, 1998, pp. 74-77.

    Weiss, H. "A Ram Caught in a Thicket (Ha'ayil Basvah. Heb.) (on the Myth of Aqeda in Israeli Literature)" [in Hebrew] Nativ, vol. 6, 1998, pp. 106-110.

    Nissan, E.; Rossler, I. and Weiss, H. "Hermenoeutics, Accreing Receptions, Hypermedia: A Tool for Reference Versus a Tool for Instruction" J. Educ. Comput. Res., vol. 17, 1997, pp. 297-318.

    Weiss, H. "Kol H-Heshbon od Lo Nigmar (All the Account Had Not Been Finished Yet) on the Relations Between Brener and the Religious World" Maagalei Orot, vol. 7, 1997, pp. 307-313.

    Weiss, H. "On Contours in Agnon's Work" Amudim, vol. 47, 1997, pp. 21-26.

    Weiss, H. "Notes on the Holocaust in Agnon's Work" Nativ, vol. 5, 1997, pp. 55-65.

    Weiss, Hillel. "The End of the Postnihilistic Trends" Iunim Bitkumat Israel (Studies in Zionism) [in Hebrew], pp. 355-365. Ramat Gan, Ben Gurion Research Center, 1996.

    Weiss, H. "Rehabilitatation of Basic Concepts: Human Rights, Democracy and Racism" [in Hebrew] Nativ, vol. 4, 1996, pp. 61-63.

    Nissan, E.; Weiss, H. and Yosef, A. "Hyperjoseph - The Hyper Textual Organization. Epistemological Consideration" Knowledge Organization, vol. 23, 1996.

    Weiss, H. (ed.) In: Weiss, H. (ed.) Hiqrey Agnon, Studies on Agnon [in Hebrew], pp. 365. Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 1995.

    Weiss, H. "Kinat Gever" In: Weiss, H. and Barzel, H. (eds.) Academic Edition of 'Pat Shlema', Hikrei Agnon [in Hebrew], pp. 81-131. Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 1995.

    Weiss, H. and Ressler, I. "A Dynamic Hypertext in Multimedia Environment for Acquiring Literacy. The Humanities in Education" World Association for Educational Research and the School of Education, vol. 2, 1995, pp. 642-631.

    Nissan, E. and Weiss, H. "The Hyper Joseph Project, Desk and Discipline" Bible Et Informatics, 1995, pp. 173-154.

    Weiss, H. "Preface" In: Barzel, H. (ed.) Hiqrey Agnon [in Hebrew], Bar Ilan University Press, 1994.

    Weiss, Hillel. "The Role of Education and the Myth of Piece" Idan Hadash o Ovdan Derech (New Era or Losing the Way) [in Hebrew], pp. 175-185., The National Center for Democracy, Levinski Education Office, 1994.

    Weiss, Hillel, Barzel, Hillel. Studies in the Works of S.Y. Agnon (in Honor of Professor Yehuda Friedlander) [in Hebrew], pp. 420. Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 1994.

    Weiss, H. "Zionism Separates Itself from Masada (in the Footprints of the Poet Yzhak Lamdan)" Nekuda, vol. 178, 1994, pp. 46-48.

    Weiss, H. "Between Research and Over Research (on Haym Be'er, Gam Sinatam-Gam Ahvatam)" Nativ, vol. 32, 1993, pp. 71-73.

    Weiss, Hillel. "Additional Notes on "Bedmi Yameya"" Iytzhak Bakoon's Book [in Hebrew], pp. 322-333., Ben Gurion University Press, 1992.

    Weiss, Hillel. "Epilogue" Meoyev L-Eohev and More Stories [in Hebrew], pp. 107-136., Schocken, 1992.

    Weiss, Hillel. Alila (plot in Modern Hebrew Literature) [in Hebrew], pp. 176., Beit-El Publishing House, 1992.

    Weiss, Hillel. "Epilogue" Bedmi Yameya and More Stories [in Hebrew], pp. 119-151., Schocken, 1992.

    Weiss, H. "Typical Features of A. Meged Work" Bitzharon, vol. 11, 1992, pp. 197-200.

    Weiss, H. "Notes on Religious Poetry" Apirion, vol. 22, 1992, pp. 91-93.

    Weiss, H. (ed.) In: Weiss, H. (ed.) Vani Tefilati (I and My Prayers) [in Hebrew] Beit El, 1991.

    Weiss, H. "Dynamic Indexing for the Analysis of Literary Text" Int. Class., vol. 18, 1991, pp. 200-204.

    Mikulincer, Mario, Babkoff, Harvey, Caspy, T., Weiss, Hillel. "The Impact of Cognitive Interference on Performance During Prolonged Sleep Loss" Psychol. Res. Psychol. Forsch., vol. 52, 1990, pp. 80-86.

    Weiss, H. (ed.) In: Weiss, H. (ed.) Hallel Li-Bialik (Tribute to Bialik) [in Hebrew], pp. 392., 1989.

    Weiss, H. "Analytical Index for the Complete Works of Agnon: A Scholarly Toll in Preparation" Literary and Lingustic Computing, vol. 4, 1989, pp. 169-174.

    Kaufmann, F.C.. "Guilgoulo shel Motiv mi-Daudet Le-Bialik" In: Weiss, Hillel. (ed.) Hallel le Bialik [in Hebrew], pp. 368 - 391. Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 1989.

    Weiss, H. "The Sacrifice of Abraham" Moznaim, vol. 72, 1988, pp. 56-58.

    Weiss, H. "Towards a Computerized Mapping of Literary Texts" In: Weiss, H. (ed.) Proceedings of ALLC 12th Conf., pp. 393-484. Brussels, 1985.

    Weiss, H. Kol Ha-Ne-Shama (The Voice of Soul) [in Hebrew], pp. 224. Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 1985.

    Weiss, H. Agunot-Ido Veinam Sources, Structures, Meanings (3 Volumes) [in Hebrew], pp. 600. Tel Aviv, Open University, 1981.

    Weiss, H. (ed.) In: Weiss, H. (ed.) Shenhar [in Hebrew], Am Oved Publishing, 1976.

    Weiss, H. Portraits of Fighter [in Hebrew], pp. 251. Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 1975.

    Weiss, H. Interpretation for Five Stories of Agnon [in Hebrew], pp. 198. Tel Aviv, Eked, 1974.






    Love Stories by Agnon in the Jaffa Period (1908-1912) and their Presence and Meaning in the Entire Agnon's  Work.  40th Anniversary for Agnon, March 2,2010. Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan,


    NAPH 2010 International Conference on Hebrew Language, Literature, and Culture, July 6-8, 2010, Yeshiva University, New York.


     Jaffa in Hebrew Narrative Fiction, From Agnon to Alon Hilu, Judaism in the Mediteranean Context, Ninth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies,[AJS] July 25-29 2010 Ravenna, Italy.



    Jewish Cultural  Vitality in Agnon's Work Challenges in Jewish Education: Cultural Vitality 6th International Conference of the Israeli Association for the Research in Jewish Education December 28-27, 2010. Bar-Ilan University School of Education, Ramat Gan.


    German and Germany in Agnon’s Work”, International Conference on Hebrew Language, Literature and Culture, July 7-9, 2009, University College London, , Great Britain.



    “Against Intertexuality –On Chaim Sabato’s Prose”, Inter-Universities Annual Conference, May 31, 2009, Bar-Ilan  University, Ramat Gan..


    “Here Lies our Bodies: The Memory,  Myth and Facts in the Prose and Poetry on Gush Etzion”, The Institute for Religious Zionism, May 25, 2009, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan.


    “The Hermaphroditic Elements in the Love Stories of Agnon” The 15th World Congress for Jewish Studies, August 2, 2009, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.



    “The Cycle Between Kinneret and Jordan by U.Z. Greenberg”, 26th International NAPH conference on Hebrew Language, Literature and Culture, July 15, 2008, McGill University, Quebec.



     Christians and Christianity in Agnon’s Writings”. Conference on  Syncretism, Dialogue Models of Interaction between Judaism and Christianity in Past and Present, January 21-24, 2007, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan.


    “The Meaning of Agunot, First Published Story by Agnon”, , Japan Conference for Hebrew to Japanese, (Invited Pap)er June 23, 2007, Kobe., Japan.


    The Representing of The Historical conscience and the Meta-Historical in the Novel 'Shira', Inter-university Conference of Literary Departments, March 23, 2007, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.


    “In memory of Gershon Shaked, Dimensions in Agnon Research in Connection with his Book 'Zehuyiot" {Identities]”, NAPH Conference July 2-4   2007, Sydney, Australia.



    ”The Cycle in the secret of Kinneret and Jordan in ‘Rehovot Hanahar’ of U.Z. Greenberg” NAPH Conference July 2-4, 2007, Sydney, Australia.





    The Computerized Text on ‘In the Heart of Seas’[BilvavYamim]’ A

    New-Reading”,  Inter–university Conference of Israeli  Literary Departments, June 3, 2006, Haifa University, Haifa.


    “Transition Stories; From Poland Stories to "Nice Stories of Eretz Israel",  21st  Inter–university Conference for Hebrew Literature Research, May 29, 2006, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv.



    “The Representation of the 'Chronotope' in the Sacred Paradigm in the Stories of Eretz Israel”, NAPH Conference, June 13, 2006, Minnesota, USA..



     Non-Academic  Speeches


    “Ein Adam Omed al Dat Rabbo Ela Leahar 40 Shana” [One understands his masters knowledge only after 40 years] [40th Years to Agnon's Death . Speech delivered at his gravesite on the Mount of Olives, Jerusalem, Adar 11, 2010, in the presence of   Bet -Agnon executives and Agnon family members.




    Major Publications on Text and Computer


    1982 Literary and Computer Mapping three-dimension literary texts

    Sifrut uMachshev, Kurzweil Institute .


     1982 Al Machshev in Service of Torah Learning Commandment [Jewish Studies in the Computer Era] Tehumin 3, Annual ,  345-349


    1985 Towards a Computerized Mapping of Literary Texts: Proceedings of ALLC 12th  Conf. . Brussels 1985, pp 484-399.


    1989 Analytical Index for the Complete Works of Agnon, A Scholarly Tool in Preparation.  Literary & Linguistic  Computing,  , 1989 4(3). 174-169. Oxford University Press


    1991 Dynamic Indexing for the Analysis of Literary texts. Int. Classif. Indexes Verlag Frankfurt, 1991, 18(4) 200-204


    1992 A Prototype of a Semi- Automatic laboratory for Indexing, classification and analysis for texts, Proceedings .1992  12th  AllC Conference: 226-229, Sponsored by Oxford University Press.


    1995 Weiss, H.  and I.  Ressler, “A Dynamic Hypertext in Multimedia Environment for Acquiring Literacy”. The Humanities in Education, The World Association for Educational Research, and The School of Education, Bar-Ilan University Vol. 2, , 642-631.


    1995  Nissan E. and Weiss, H. The Hyper Joseph Project, Desk and Discipline. Bible Et Informatics, 173-154.


    1996 Nissan,  E. and Weiss, H. and Yossef. A, “Hyperjoseph – The Hyper Textual Organization: Epistemological Considerations”.   Knowledge Organization 23 (1996) No.1 , 16-24  



    List of Publications


    Last five years






    Accepted for 2011


    The Prince and the Pauper [Ben Ha-Melech Ve-He-Ani] Between Agnon and Appelfeld], Research on Aaron Appelfeld Edited by A.Lipsker, Bar-Ilan .


    Parts of Critical Edition on "Miriam’s Well" [Be'era  shel Miryam]  Yeda Am Journal of the Israel Folklore Society  [2011] [40 pages]


     "On the Trail of  a Strip of the Land of Israel  in Japan: Following the Translation of Agnon Writings into Japanese", in:

    Ber Boris Kotlerman (ed.), Mizrekh: Jewish Studies in the Far East. Vol.

    II. Religion, Philosophy, Identity (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang),

    pp. 243-252  (Hebrew)






                                                                                                                                             Agnon in Germany: The German Period in Agno's Writing and the Presence of the German World in his Work, Eds. Weiss Hillel, Becker H.J.,Ramat Gan: Bar Ilan University Press, 400 pp.{English]


     Articles in this Book


    Preface 3-9 [with , Becker H. J]


    With Boris Kotlerman and Yossef Abraham [3-4]

    2. “Bametzulot, Academic Edition”, 111- 156.

    3. The Miracles of the Sexton of the Old Beiyth  Midrash: Miracles as a Genre “, 249-263.

    4.  “Or Torah, Academic Edition”,  285- 295


    5. “The Presence of the Holocaust in Agnon's Writings”,  337-364



    CD,  Hillel Weiss: Love Stories  by Agnon, Jaffa Period, 1912-1908.

     With Yossef Abraham, Boris Kotlerman, Orna Levin. Consists of  dynamic indexing, hypermedia, computerized for deconstructing and constructions of texts. Holds approximately  700  pages, The Agnon Research Center, Bar-Ilan University, March 2010.





    'The Barrel of Rabbi Yohanan - Scientific Edition”. Yeda Am, Journal of the Israel Folklore Society , 35-34 (October 2009): 45-63


    With Boris Cotleman and Abraham Yossef,  The Uniqueness of the Story ' Bametzulot' (In the Depths) and its Place Within the Agnon Cycle of Legends about Poland  Studies in Jewish Narrative, Ma’ase Sippur, Researches and Study on Jewish prose, Vol. 2, Edited by Avidov  Lipsker. Rella  Kushlevski, Rella Kushelevsky  Bar –Ilan University Press,pp. 295-334.


    “The New Criticism on Agnon’s Works”, Ha-Dor, the Hebrew Literary  Annual of America, (2009): 103-11.



    “Notes on Christians and Christianity in Agnon’s Writings”. Proceedings of Conference on  Syncretism, Dialogue Models of Interaction between Judaism and Christianity in Past and Present, 2007, Ramat-Gan and Jerusalem, Israel, Jewish and Christian Perspectives, E.J. Brill, Leiden, 511-526.




    “The Roaring of the Lion is like the  Roaring of God ; The Image of the Lion in the Poems of Y. L.Gordon, Bialik and U. Z. Greenberg”, Eretz Aaheret, (Sep-October):, 6- 11.



    “In the Secret of the Kinneret and the  Jordan” in  A. Lipsker and Tamar Wolf-Monzon [editors], Rechovot ha-Nahar by Uri Zvi Greenberg: Studies and Documents, Bar Ilan University Press, Ramat Gan,,pp. 197- 200.


    “Between Israel and Gentiles in the Genera of 'wonders'”, Yeda Am, Journal of Jewish Folklore, 33-32, (Sep 2007): 132-90


    “Ethics, trail and culture, On Honni the Circlemaker in ’The King of Flash and Blood’”, Nativ, (20):  90-100.


    Collective Suicide: On Jewish Self Hatred, Review of A. Feldman 'Uncovered Hatred', Nativ 1 (114): 98-94.




    “A Digital Princess in Agnon's Works: The Contribution of the Computer to Textual Interpretation,” Studies in Jewish Narrative: Ma’aseh Sippur. Ramat Gan, Israel: Bar-Ilan University Press, pp. 371-398.


    “Like  a Sky Light [Ke-Zohar ha‑Raqi‘a] By S. Izhar; Necrology,” Nativ, Journal of Politics and Arts, (Sept. 2006): 111-112.


    “The Critical Reception of the Novel 'King of Flesh and Blood' by Moshe Shamir,”

    Nativ, Journal of Politics and Arts,, (Sept. 2006): 124-128


    “Collective Suicide; On Jewish Self – Hatred in Hebrew Contemporary Literature, by Ahuva Feldman,” Nativ, Journal of Politics and Arts,, 1(114): 94-98.



    Book Reviews, Criticism and Essays in  Non-Academic Literary Supplements


    “The Messianic Horrors; on the Collection of Research on the Poems of Uri Zvi Greenberg”, Makor Rishon Literary supplement. (5.2.2010).


    “On Shmuel Shneider’s 'Memory and Renaissance'” Makor Rishon Shabbat Supp. (31.12.10).


    “From Lebanon to Gaza-On the War Novels of Religious Fighters [Sabato, Sheinfeld, Lobotzki, Vered”] Nekuda, (February 2009): 50-57.


    From the Bottom of the  Well [On The Dajani Estate by Ailon Hilo, Makor Rishon - Shabbat Supplement  (10.7.09) : 8-9 .


    “From the Top of the Hill Orange can be seen - On the poems of Y. Ganuz”, Makor Rishon - Shabbat Supplement (19.6.09): 1-17.



    ”120 years to Agnon’s Birthday“ Makor Rishon - Shabbat Supplement, (8.8.2008): 8-11.


    The Flying Jew on the Zionist Body, Critique of Michael Gluzman’s book: The Zionist Body-Nationality, Gender and Sex in Hebrew Literature. Makor Rishon (5.10.2007).


    “Not from Here and Not From There, On Garson Shakéd”, Makor Rishson, Shabbat Supplement, (9.9.07).



    “Sewing in the Novel   'Shira'; The Whole World and His Wife”, Makor Rishon Shabbat 2.8.07



    The Enlightenment of Knowledge in Tamar Wolf Monzon’s Study ‘ Poetics and Publicist Works of Uri Zvi Greenberg’”,  Makor Rishon  (21.4.07).


    “Agnon's Passover-Time of Horror & Redemption”, Makor Rishon. Shabbat  Supplement (11.3.2007):12-14;.


    “Kishinev is still alive: The  On-going pogrom On Bialik’s poem ‘Be-Ir Ha-Hareiga’ Makor Rishon (11.3.07).


     “Women from Venus, On the Goddess behind Esther and their Presence in Israeli

    Literature”, Makor Rishson, Shabbat Supplement,. (3.2.07): 6-7.


    “Reading Agnon in Japan”, Makor Rishson, Shabbat Supplement, (22.9.06) : 16-18.


    “Pathological Relations between Jews and Gentiles”, Haaretz, Culture and Literature Supplement (10.3.06).


    “A Fanfare of Shofars on Shabbos,  Rosh Hashana Eve  5671” , 2006  The Weekly Parsha Page [Hadaf Hashvui], Bar - Ilan University, .


     “I do not believe in this poetry”, Nekuda 295 (Nov 2006):33-34.



    “Under   Occupation of the Consciousness in Anita Shapira’s ‘ Zionism and the  Bible’, Nekuda 291 (2006):. 43-45.

    Last Updated Date : 04/12/2022