Prof. Dov Ber Kotlerman
Old and Modern Yiddish Literature, Sholem Aleichem, Der Nister, Peretz Hirshbein, S.Y. Agnon, Jewish Culture in the Soviet Union, Jews in East Asia, The Birobidzhan Experiment, Yiddish Journalism, Jewish Theater and Cinema, Jewish Names, Multilingual Jewish Literature
Head of the Şitnovitzer-Schmidt-Hecht Research Project for Yiddish Religious Writings (Tseenah u-Reenah)
מסביב לעולם עם פרץ הירשביין |
Around the World with Peretz Hirshbein |
יידיש: סדנת תרגום אמנותי |
Yiddish: Literary Translation Workshop |
מחזור החיים היהודי בקולנוע יידיש |
The Jewish Life Cycle in Yiddish Cinema |
- Bitter Speech: Hebrew Letters from the Edge of the East (Ariel: Ariel University Press, 2023, in Hebrew)
- Broken Heart / Broken Wholeness: The Post-Holocaust Plea for Jewish Reconstruction of the Soviet Yiddish Writer Der Nister (Boston, MA: Academic Studies Press, 2017)
- Disenchanted Tailor in 'Illusion': Sholem Aleichem behind the Scenes of Early Jewish Cinema, 1913-16 (Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers, 2014)
- The Cultural World of Soviet Jewry, 1919-1949 (Raanana: The Open University of Israel, 2012, second edition 2014, in Hebrew)
- In Search of Milk and Honey: The Theater of "Soviet Jewish Statehood", 1934-49 (Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publishers, 2009)
- Bauhaus in Birobidzhan: 80 Years of Jewish Settlement in the Far East of the USSR (Tel-Aviv: Bauhaus Center, 2008) (with Shmuel Yavin, in Hebrew, English and Russian)
- Representation of the Holocaust in Soviet Literature and Film (=Search and Research: Lectures and Papers 19) (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem - The International Institute for Holocaust Research, 2013) (with Marat Grinberg, Leona Toker, Anja Tippner, Olga Gershenson)
“And Inscribe the Name of Aaron": Studies in Bible, Epigraphy, Literacy and History". Festschrift in Honor of Professor Aaron Demsky (=Maarav 21.1-2 [2014]; Rolling Hills, CA: Western Academic Press, 2017, with Yigal Levin)
- Around the Point: Studies in Jewish Literature and Culture in Multiple Languages (New Castle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, with Hillel Weiss and Roman Katsman)
- Tsena-u-Rena: The Book of Genesis (Jerusalem: Gesharim / The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2012, in Russian)
- Mizrekh: Jewish Studies in the Far East:
Vol. II. Religion, Philosophy, Identity (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2011, in English, Russian, Hebrew and Yiddish)
Vol. I. (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2009, in English, Russian, and Yiddish)
- Yiddish-Japanese Dictionary, compiled and edited by Kazuo Ueda, with the aid of Holger Nath and Ber Kotlerman (Tokyo: Daigakusyorin, 2010)
- Yiddish Theater: Literature, Culture, and Nationalism (Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press, Bikoret ve-Parshanut 41, 2008, in Hebrew)
from Old Yiddish into Hebrew
Commentaries to Song of Songs, by R. Yankev ben Yitskhok Ashkenazi of Janow, Author of Tsenah u-Renah / שיר השירים מפורש ומבואר / נתחבר ע"י מוהר"ר יעקב בן הר"ר יצחק אשכנזי מק"ק יאנוב(Ramat Gan: The Şitnovitzer-Schmidt-Hecht Project / The Rena Costa Center for Yiddish Studies, 2014)
Peer-Reviewed Journals
"Gauguin und Anti-Gauguin: Völker und Länder mit den jiddischen Augen des Peretz Hirschbein gesehen," Wege der Germanistik in transkultureller Perspektive 7 (2022), pp. 591-600 (in German)
“R. Nathan-Neta Olevski’s Eternal Life”, Judaic-Slavic Journal 1(5) (2021), pp. 173-192 (in Russian)
"'Kto widział szakale wśród ruin naszej góry, ten jeszcze zobaczy, jak będą na niej budować': Der Nister o żydowskim 'domu 'narodovym' po Holocauście," Midrasz 3 (2019), pp. 30-38 (in Polish)
“Whoever Has Seen Jackals on the Ruins of Our Mountain Will Yet See How They Build There: Der Nister on Jewish «Nation Building» after the Holocaust,” Judaic-Slavic Journal 1 (2019), 85-102 (in Russian)
“'Like a soul without a body': Der Nister’s 'dialogue' with Stalin about the Jewish Nation," East European Jewish Affairs 48.2 (2018), pp. 233-252
"‘They Don’t Pay $1,000 a Week to Just Anyone’: Sholem Aleichem and Early Jewish American Movie Moguls," Jewish Culture and History 19.3 (2018)
"Philippine Visas-for-Jews from the Perspective of the Unanswered Letters of 1939 to President Quezon," Darbai ir dienos / Deeds and Days 67 [17] (2017), pp. 257-275
“Jewish Religious Challenges in the POW Camps in Japan, 1904-1905,” 港 / נמל / Port: Journal of the Japanese Association of Jewish Studies 21 (2016), pp. 2-13 (in Japanese)
“'Going through the Seven Circles of Hell – Joyfully, a la Motl': Sholem Aleichem’s Missing Film Script about Motl the Cantor’s Son,” Jewish Quarterly Review 105.2 (Spring 2015), pp. 155-173 (University of Pennsylvania)
“Romanticization and Criticism in Agnon’s Poland Stories: Polish Jewry as an Archetype of a Jewish Community in the Exile”, Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry 28 (2015), pp. 249-260
“Sholem Aleichem and the Art of Cinema: The Writer's Russian-language Screenplay about 'Motl Peysi dem khazns',” Judaica Petropolitana 4 (2015), pp. 129-137 (in Russian)
“Positivist Romanticism on the Soviet Jewish Stage: Moyshe Goldblat’s New Yiddish Theater, 1937-38,” Aschkenas: Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der Juden 24.1 (2014), 101-127
"South African Writings of Morris Hoffman: Between Yiddish and Hebrew," Journal for Semitics / Tydskrif vir Semitistiek 23/2 (2014), pp. 569-582 (The Southern Africa Society for Near Eastern Studies)
"Between Loyalty to the Empire and National Self-Consciousness: Joseph Trumpeldor among Jewish Russian POWs in Japan (1905)," Asia Japan Journal 9 (2014), pp. 37-47 (Asia-Japan Research Center, Kokushikan University, Tokyo)
“The ‘Evil Spirit’ outside the Lurianic Context: An Examination of the 1602 Yiddish ‘Tale about a Youth Possessed by an Evil Spirit’,” Journal of Jewish Studies LXIV no. 2 (Autumn 2013), pp. 347-364 (Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies)
"'Ivan Sergeievich Turgenev: On the Centennial of His Birth,' Matvei (Morduch Nison) Kagan," with Roman Katsman and David Stromberg, Partial Answers: Journal of Literature and the History of Ideas 11.1 (2013), pp. 1-7 (School of Literatures, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
“Des Juifs de Provence au XIIIe siècle aux Juifs d’Union soviétique: Le roman en yiddish Galgal hakhoyzer (la Roue tourne) de Natan Zabare”, Revue des Études Juives 173 (1-2) (2014), pp. 181-189 (Société des Études Juives, in French)
"'And His Heart, a Precious Violin': The Musical Layering of S.Y. Agnon's Yiddish Story 'Toytntants'", Jewish Social Studies: History, Culture, Society 18.1 (2011), pp. 127-144 (Stanford University)
"Since I Have Learned of These Evil Tidings, I Have Been Heartsick and I Am Unable to Sleep": The Old Yiddish and Hebrew Letters from 1476 in the Shadow of Blood Libels in Northern Italy and Germany," Jewish Quarterly Review 101.2 (2012), pp. 1-17 (University of Pennsylvania)
"If There Had Been No Synagogue There, They Would Have Had to Invent It: The Case of the Birobidzhan 'Religious Community of the Judaic creed' on the Threshold of Perestroika," East European Jewish Affairs 42.2 (2012), pp. 87-97
"Tsena u-rena by Rabbi Yaakov ben Yitzhak Ashkenazi from Yanov: Composition, Sources, and Revision of the Original Text," Vestnik: International Journal for Jewish Studies 14 (2011), pp. 26-49 (The Hebrew University in Jerusalem - The Jewish University in Moscow, in Russian)
"The Old Birobidzhan Synagogue and City Planning in the Mid-1980s: The Last Confrontation," in: Ber Boris Kotlerman (ed.), Mizrekh: Jewish Studies in the Far East. Vol. II. Religion, Philosophy, Identity (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2011), pp. 109-134
"The Evil Spirit as a Way of Cultural Expression of Social Problems," Vestnik: International Journal for Jewish Studies 13 (2009), pp. 49-66 (The Hebrew University in Jerusalem - The Jewish University in Moscow, in Russian)
"The Dybbuk Phenomenon Representation in Yiddish vs. Hebrew", Hulyot (Ringen): Journal for Yiddish Literature and Culture 11 (2008), pp. 237-250 (Haifa University - Tel Aviv University - Bar-Ilan University, in Hebrew)
"Trading Places: Buzi Miller and Internationalization of Jewish 'Bourgeois Nationalism'", Mizrekh: Jewish Studies in the Far East [I] (Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang, 2009), pp. 246-258 (in Yiddish)
"Yosef Trumpeldor in Japanese Captivity (1905): An Appeal to the Russian Emperor Nicolas II", Mizrekh: Jewish Studies in the Far East [I] (Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang, 2009), pp. 171-188 (in Russian)
"The Plays of Perets Markish: Balancing between 'Jewish' and 'Soviet'", Yiddish Theater: Literature, Culture and Nationalism - Bikoret ve-parshanut 41 (2008), pp. 111-129 (Bar-Ilan University, in Hebrew)
"'Yiddishization' of the territory: Immigrant settlements and collective farms on the map of the Jewish Autonomous Region," Vestnik Dal'nevostochnoi gosudarstven-noi sotsial'no-gumanitarnoi akademii 1 (2008), pp. 65-70 (Sholem Aleichem State University, in Russian)
"The Miracles of the Sexton of the Old Bet Midrash" by S. Y. Agnon (Tables of Comparison)", Yeda Am: Journal of the Israel Folklore Society 67-68 (2007), pp. 97-129 (in Hebrew)
"The Soviet Bar-Kokhva in Israeli Garb: Yaakov Orland's Hebrew Translation of Shmuel Halkin's Yiddish Drama 'Bar-Kokhva'", Hulyot (Ringen): Journal for Yiddish Literature and Culture 10 (fall 2006), pp. 447-459 (Haifa University - Tel Aviv University - Bar-Ilan University, in Hebrew)
"Complete Index of Stories in the 'Mayse-bukh'", Hulyot (Ringen): Journal for Yiddish Literature and Culture 10 (Fall 2006), pp. 291-328 (Haifa University - Tel Aviv University - Bar-Ilan University, in Hebrew)
"The Yiddish Orthography in the Late Soviet Period: the Case of Nathan Zabare's 'Galgal haHoyzer'", IGK Paris 2005 Kongressakten des "Jahrbuchs fur Internationale Germanistik", Band 2 (78) (2007), pp. 69-71 (Peter Lang, in German)
"The Closure of the Yiddish Theaters in the USSR", Vestnik: International Journal for Jewish Studies 11 (2006), pp. 145-160 (The Hebrew University in Jerusalem - The Jewish University in Moscow, in Russian)
"Ukrainian Performances of Birobidzhan GOSET (1940) in the Light of Western Territories Annexation", Jewish Ethnic Studies and Collections (Kiev, 2005), pp. 343-349 (Institute for Jewish Studies and National Library of Ukraine, in Russian)
"David Bergelson around the Jewish Autonomous Region in the USSR", Hulyot (Ringen): Journal for Yiddish Literature and Culture, 9 (Summer 2005), pp. 239-254 (Haifa University - Tel Aviv University - Bar-Ilan University, in Hebrew)
"The Jewish Folklore Archive in Tartu, Estonia", with Avidov Lipsker, Hulyot (Ringen): Journal for Yiddish Literature and Culture 8 (Winter 2004), pp. 299-314 (Haifa University - Tel Aviv University - Bar-Ilan University, in Hebrew)
"Jewish Names on the Birobidzhan Map", These Are the Names 4 (2003), pp. 209-226 (Bar-Ilan University)
"The Image of Birobidzhan in Yiddish Belle Lettres", Jews in Eastern Europe 3(49) (Winter 2002), pp. 47-78 (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
"Yiddish Schools in Birobidzhan, 1939-1941", Jews in Eastern Europe 3(49)(Winter 2002), pp. 109-120 (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
"The Prewar Period of the Birobidzhan State Jewish Theater, 1934-1941", Jews in Eastern Europe 1(44) (Spring 2001), pp. 29-59 (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
in Encyclopedia of Jewish Book Cultures, by Emile Schrijver (ed.) (Leiden: Brill, 2022):
Birobidzhan Jewish National Library
in The YIVO Encyclopedia of East European Jewry, by Gershon David Hundert (ed.), Vol. I-II (New-Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2008):
- Folks-shtime (newspaper, Lodz-Warsaw)
Folkstsaytung (newspaper, Warsaw)
Hayoets (newspaper, Bucharest)
Birobidzhaner shtern (newspaper, Birobidzhan)
Der emes (newspaper, Moscow)
Kol mevaser (newspaper, Odessa)
Rubinshtein, Reuven (biography)
Yatskan, Shmuel-Yakov (biography)
Garfunkel, Leib (biography)
Frimorgn (newspaper, Riga)
Idishe shtime (newspaper, Kovno)
"The Japanese Captivity as a Significant Station in Shaping Joseph Trumpeldor's Way," in Yael Zerubavel & Amir Goldstein (eds.), Tel Hai: A Hundred-Year-Old View (Jerusalem-Tel Aviv: Yad Ben Zvi / Chaim Weizmann Zionist Research Institute, Tel Aviv University, 2020), pp. 64-75 (in Hebrew)
“Scholem Alejchems Satire auf den Russisch-Japanischen Krieg (Sholem Aleichem Satire on the Russo-Japanese War),” Germanistik zwischen Tradition und Innovation 12 (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2018), pp. 289-294 (in German)
"Soviet Yiddish Literature as an Amplifier of Soviet Jewish Statehood: Mythopoesis and Politics," in: Mukai Naoki and Mitsuharu Akao (eds.), Jews and Autonomy: The Rise and Fall of Diaspora Community in East-Central Europe and Russia / ユダヤ人と自治中東欧・ロシアにおけるディアスポラ共同体の興亡 (Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 2017), pp. 273-290 (in Japanese)
“‘We Are Lacking ‘A Man Dieth in a Tent’: Der Nister’s Search for Redemption in the Summer of 1947,” in: Gennady Estraikh, Michael Krutikov, Kerstin Hoge (eds.), Uncovering the Hidden: The Works and Life of Der Nister (Oxford: Legenda, 2014), pp. 170-180
“‘For the Pleasure of Life in Switzerland, I Had to Start Spitting Blood’: Sholem Aleichem’s Scriptwriting Debut against the Background of the Beilis Case,” in: Tamar Lewinsky and Sandrine Mayoraz (eds.), East European Jews in Switzerland (=New Perspectives on Modern Jewish History, vol. 5) (Berlin: DeGruyter, 2013), pp. 199-213
- "'My People Will Be Reborn Here': WW2 and Jews in the Yiddish Literature of Birobidzhan," in: Marat Grinberg, Leona Toker, Anja Tippner, Ber Kotlerman, Olga Gershenson, Representation of the Holocaust in Soviet Literature and Film (=Search and Research: Lectures and Papers 19, series editor: Dan Michman) (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem - The International Institute for Holocaust Research, 2013), pp. 82-99
"Markish's Play The Ovadis Family and Soviet Jewish Policies, 1936-1941", in: Joseph Sherman, Gennady Estraikh, Jordan Finkin, David Shneer (eds.), A Captive of the Dawn: The Life and Work of Perets Markish (Oxford: Legenda, 2010), pp. 124-135
"Historical Time and Space in Agnon's Poland Stories", in: H-J. Becker and Hillel Weiss (eds.), Agnon and Germany (Ramat Gan: BIU Press, 2010), pp. 361-374
"Tables of Comparison: Or Tora, The Miracles of the Sexton of the Old Bet Midrash, Bimtsulot", in: H-J. Becker and Hillel Weiss (eds.), Agnon and Germany (Ramat Gan: BIU Press, 2010, in Hebrew), passim
"Proletarian Songs With Hasidic Melodies: On the Method of Socialist Realism in Soviet Yiddish Drama", in: L. Katsis, M. Kaspina, D. Fishman (eds.), Yiddish: Language and Culture in USSR (Moscow: Judaica Rossica & Russian State University for Humanities, 2009, in Yiddish), pp. 55-63
"'Why I am in Favour of Birobidzhan': Bergelson's Fateful Decision", in: Joseph Sherman and Gennady Estraikh (eds.), David Bergelson: From Modernism to Socialist Realism (Oxford: Legenda, 2007), pp. 222-235
"On the Proposed Establishment of a State Vocal Ensemble and National Opera in Yiddish in Birobidzhan: Milner, Sheinin, Faintukh", in: Alexander Frenkel and Galina Kopytova (eds.), On the History of Jewish Music in Russia, Vol. 2 (St. Petersburg: Russian Institute for the History of the Arts, 2006), pp. 83-98 (in Russian)
"Simkhes Toyre lid fun Rivke Tiktiner", in: Aliza Lavie (comp.), Jewish Women's Prayers Throughout the Ages (Tel Aviv: Yedioth Ahronoth Books and Chemed Books, 2005), pp. 234-237 (in Hebrew)
Dreams of Nationhood, by Henry Felix Srebrnik, Slavic Review (University of Illinois) 70.4 (winter 2011), pp. 933-934
Discovering the Magic of Yidishkayt: Futur Anterieur: Avant-garde and the Yiddish Book (1914-1939), by Paris Museum of Art and History of Judaism, Ars Judaica 7 (2011), pp. 137-141 (Bar Ilan University)
NUMEROUS REVIEWS IN THE NEWSPAPERS Makor Rishon and Haaretz (in Hebrew and English)
"Reshaping the Fate of Polish Jewry during the Holocaust: The Case of Der Nister," International Conference "What Is on Trial Here Is the Yiddish Language: The Making and Unmaking of Soviet Yiddish Literature," Dubnow Institute, Leipzig, Germany, June 27-29, 2022
"Yiddish Cosmopolitanism vs. Comintern-style Post-Imperialism: Peretz Hirshbein in Russian and Ukrainian Translations, 1928-1930," International Conference "Les langues juives en partage: traduction et identité / Sharing Jewish Languages: Translation and Identity," INALCO, University of Paris Sorbonne-Nouvelle, etc, Paris, France, June 16-19, 2022
Yiddish Writer as a Cultural Ambassador: The Case of Peretz Hirshbein," International Workshop "The Chronotope of Yiddish: Language, Space, Time," The Argentinian Institute for Jewish Research (IWO), Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 8, 2022
"In the Name of Yiddish: Sholem Aleichem as Generator of New Meanings," The 15th International Conference on Jewish Names, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, October 5, 2021
"Gauguin and Anti-Gauguin: South Pacific via Peretz Hirshbein's Yiddish Eyes," XIV International Congress of Germanic Studies (IVG-Kongress) "Wege der Germanistik in transkulturellen Perspektiven," Università degli Studi di Palermo (University of Palermo), Palermo, Italy, July 26–August 2, 2020
“Joseph Trumpeldor and the Question of Jewish Identity during his Captivity in Japan," International Conference "Tel Hai, 1920-2020: History and Memory,” Tel Hai Academic College, Israel, March 4-5, 2020
"Sholem Aleichem and Charlie Chaplin: Translating Yiddish Humor into the Language of Early Cinema," International Conference "No Respect: Jewish Humor around The World," University of North Carolina, Wilmington, USA, March 1-2, 2020
"Der Nister about the Polish Jewry during the Holocaust: Criticism and Interpretation," International Conference "The Holocaust as Reflected in Public Discourse in the Soviet Union during the Stalinist Period, 1941-1953," Yad Vashem, International Institute for Holocaust Research, Jerusalem, December 2-3, 2019
"Jewish Studies in East Asia," International Workshop "Politics of Light / Politics of Life: Humanitarian Diplomacy and Jewish Studies in East Asia," Tamkang University, New Taipei City, Taiwan, July 29, 2019
"Sound Effects in Agnon’s Yiddish Story 'Toytntants'," International Workshop "Tracing the Agency of Sound," Historisches Institut der Universität Bern (Institute of History, University of Bern), Bern, Swiss, February 8-9, 2019
"From the Manila Mass Protest Rally against the Kristallnacht to the Philippine Visas-for-Jews, 1938-1941," International Conference “New Perspectives on Kristallnacht: After 80 Years, the Nazi Pogrom in Global Comparison,” University of Southern California in Los Angeles, USA, November 4-6, 2018
"Visualizing Sholem Aleichem's Humor," International Conference “Satires in Jewish languages (Judeo-Spanish, Yiddish) in Contemporary Times: Confronting the Crises of the Modern Jewish World through Laughter,” Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations), Paris, France, June 15, 2017
"Der Nister the Publicist on the Post-Holocaust Jewish Reconstruction," the 24th Annual International Conference in Jewish Studies, Moscow Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization (SEFER), Moscow, RF, January, 29-31, 2017
"Sholem Aleichem and Pre-Hollywood American Cinema," International Conference "Sholem Aleichem: Writer and Symbol," Jewish Theological Seminary & Kiev Center of the History and Culture of East European Jewry, Kiev, Ukraine, June 29 – July 1, 2016
"Soviet Yiddish Literature as an Amplifier of Soviet Jewish ‘Statehood’: Mythopoesis and Politics," Internationa Conference "Jews and Autonomy: The Rise and Fall of Diaspora Community in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia," Senshu University, Tokyo, Japan, June 11-12, 2016
"Any Place on Earth for WW2 Jewish Refugees? The Philippine 'Safe Haven'," Internationa Conference "Casablanca of The North: Refugees and Rescuers in Kaunas 1939-1940," Vitautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania, May 17, 2016
"Sholem Aleichem's Yiddish Satire about the Russo-Japanese War," International Congress of Germanic Studies (IVG-Kongress), Tongji University, Shanghai, China, August 23-31, 2015
"Trumpeldor between 'Zionists' and 'Orthodox'," International Conference Commemorating 110 Years since the Release of Joseph Trumpeldor from Captivity in Japan "From Port Arthur to Tel Hai: Joseph Trumpeldor and Japan," Tel Hai College, Israel, May 26-27, 2015
"Leaving behind the Centres of anti-Semitism and Slaughter in Europe after the Holocaust," International Conference "Old World, New World: Jews in Transition," University of Cape Town, South Africa, April 14-16, 2015
"To Eretz Israel through Underground Tunnels (gilgul mehilot): Soviet Jewish Literature in Its Relation to the National Tradition," Conference "Russian Jewry in the 20th Century," The Open University of Israel, Raanana, January 26, 2015
"Sholem Aleichem, Y. D. Berkowitz and the Art of Cinema," The First International Conference “Hebrew and Yiddish in the Context of Contemporary Education and Culture,” Institute of Philosophy, St. Petersburg State University, Russia, October 20-21, 2014
"Jews vs. Non-Jews in South Africa in Morris Hoffman's Hebrew and Yiddish Writings", International Conference "New Research in Hebrew Language and Culture", University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa, January 27-29, 2014
"A 'Jewish Son of the Regiment': A War-Time Essay of Der Nister", International Workshop "Soviet Partisans and the Holocaust – New Research and New Approaches", The International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, January 13-14, 2014
"Tseena u-Reena and the Principles of the Bible Translation into Old Yiddish", 2013 NAPH International Conference on Hebrew Language, Literature and Culture, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York, June 24-26, 2013
“'My People Will Be Reborn Here Again': World War II and Jews in the Birobidzhan Yiddish Literature", International Conference "The Holocaust and the Jews in the Second World War in Soviet Literature and Film", The International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, February 19-20, 2013
"The Influence of Early French Cinema on Sholem Aleichem's Motl the Cantor's Son", Around the Point: The Languages, Literatures and Cultures of Jews, Bar Ilan University, December 17-19, 2012
"The Land of Birobidzhan in Soviet Yiddish Literature", International Conference "The Image of Russian Far East", Sholem Aleichem State University, Birobidzhan, RF, November 16, 2012
“The Hebrew Literature in the USSR and Its Historiography: New Approaches”, 2012 NAPH International Conference on Hebrew Language, Literature and Culture, University of California in Los Angeles, USA, June 25-27, 2012
"Des Juifs de Provence au XIIIe siècle aux Juifs d’Union soviétique: le roman en yiddish 'Galgal hakhoyzer' (la Roue tourne) de Natan Zabare", International Conference "Jews in Provence", University of Aix-en-Provence, France, February 13-15, 2012
“The Attitude to Assimilation: From ‘Tevye the Dairyman’ to ‘Fiddler on the Roof’”, International Conference “Israel and the Nations – Vision and Reality”, Yeshiva University, Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies, New York, July 5-7, 2011
“Yaacov Orland as Hebrew Interpreter of Soviet Yiddish Drama”, 2011 NAPH Conference on Hebrew Language, Literature and Culture, University of Maryland, USA, June 28-30, 2011
"Shalom-Aleichem and the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-05", International Conference "Jews and the Far East", McGilvary College of Divinity, Payap University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, January 27-31, 2011
"Agnon in Yiddish: Words and Music" 2010 NAPH Conference on Hebrew Language, Literature and Culture, Stern College, New York, July 18-20, 2010
"Private Letters in the 'Language of Ashkenaz' on the Background of the Trento Libel, 1475", Bar Ilan International Conference "The Heritage of Italian Jewry", Sicily-South Italy-Rome, February 7-14, 2010
"Toytntants by Sh.-Y. Agnon: Between Yiddish and Hebrew", The 15th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 2-6, 2009
"'Prince Reuveni' by David Bergelson in the Context of Soviet Jewry during WW2," Bar Ilan International Conference "The Heritage of Spanish Jewry", Madrid-Morocco, July 5-15, 2009
"East European Jews in the Far East in the 20th Century: The Case of Yosef Trumpeldor", Bar Ilan International Conference "Jews and China - past and present", Beijing-Harbin-Shanghai, China, September 9-14, 2008
"Conflict of Chronotopes: Jewish Literature in Birobidzhan between Yiddish and Russian in the Late 1950s," International Conference on Jewish Studies "The Birobidzhan Project: Politics, History and Culture," Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Birobidzhan, Russia, August 21, 2007
"The Epistolary Style of the Oldest Yiddish Letters from the 15th Century," 2007 NAPH Conference on Hebrew Language, Literature and Culture, University of Sydney, Australia, July 1-6, 2007
"Shalom-Aleichem the Screenwriter", IX Symposium fur Jiddische Studien in Deutschland, Heinrich-Heine-University, Duesseldorf, Germany, October 9-11, 2006
"Proletarishe lider mit khsidishe nigunim: on the method of the Socialist Realism in Soviet Yiddish Drama", Yiddish: Language and Culture in USSR, Russian State University for Humanities & Russian-American Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies, Moscow, Russia, July 27-29, 2006
"The Yiddish Orthography in the Late Soviet Period: The Case of Nathan Zabare", XI Internationaler Germanistenkongress "Germanistik im Konflikt der Kulturen", Sorbonne, Paris, France, August 26 - September 3, 2005
"Historical Time and Space in S.-Y. Agnon's "Poland Stories", The 14th World Congress for Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, July 31- August 4, 2005
"Elia Bokher's "Bovo-bukh": Variety of Editions and Intercultural Contacts", The 24th Conference "Language and Folklore", Bar Ilan University, Israel, March 2, 2005
"Academic Yiddish Studies in the State of Israel", International Conference of Yiddish Lecturers, University of Potsdam, Germany, November 9-12, 2004
"Long Way of Sholem-Aleichem's Tevye the Dairyman in Theater and Cinema", VII Symposium fur Jiddische Studien in Deutschland, Heinrich-Heine-University, Duesseldorf, Germany, October 3-5, 2004
"Yiddish Theater of Birobidzhan on the Tour in Ukraine, 1940", Internationl Scientific Conference "Jewish History and Culture in Countries of Central and Eastern Europe", Institute of Jewish Studies, Kiev, Ukraine, August 23-25, 2004
"Poland Stories" of S.-Y. Agnon: Comparative Analysis", 2004 NAPH International Conference on Hebrew Language and Literature, University of Texas, Austin, USA, June 6-8, 2004
"The Soviet Yiddish Theater in the 30-s: Between the "National Form" and the "Socialist Content", VI Symposium fur Jiddische Studien in Deutschland, Trier University, Trier, Germany, September 23-25, 2003
"The Processing of the Yiddish Version of "Bridal Canopy", Final Meeting of the Israely-German Research Group "German Period" and "German Presence" in the Work of S.-Y. Agnon", Bar Ilan University, Israel, July 23-25, 2003
"Place Names in the "Poland Stories" of S.Y. Agnon", VI International Conference on Jewish Names, Bar Ilan University, Israel, June 11, 2003
"The Jewish Toponymy in the USSR", V Symposium fur Jiddische Studien in Deutschland, Heinrich-Heine-University, Duesseldorf, Germany, September 23-25, 2002
"To the Research of Germany-period of S.Y. Agnon", International Conference on Hebrew Language, Culture and Literature, NAPH, 2002, Ben Gurion University, Beer-Sheva, July 2-4, 2002
"Birobidzhan in the Yiddish Literature", Yiddish Language and Culture in Twentieth-Century Eastern Europe, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, October 28-30, 2001
"The last page of Birobidzhan literature: between Yiddish and Russian", IV Symposium fur Jiddische Studien in Deutschland, Trier University, Germany, September 10-12, 2001
"The Comparative Tables of Agnon's story "Orphan and Widow", Goettingen Theological Institut, Goettingen University, Germany, September 9-11, 2001
"The Jews in Birobidzhan: Jewish Names on the Map", The 13th World Congress for Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 12-17, 2001
"Mayse-bukh: a literary genre or a Yiddish epos?", III Symposium fur Jiddische Studien in Deutschland, Heinrich-Heine-University, Duesseldorf, Germany, August 28-30, 2000
Prof. Dov Ber Kotlerman Receives Canadian Award for Yiddish Literature
Bar-Ilan University's Professor initiates first-of-its-kind Jewish studies workshop in Taiwan
November 1, 2018: Manhattan: ‘Being A Yiddish Writer In The USSR After The Holocaust’
Finally, Der Nister Gets a Gravestone
History of Yiddish Cinema (Interview, New York, 2010)
Last Updated Date : 15/12/2024