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Prof. Judith Dishon

    קורות חיים

    פרופסור יהודית דישון היא פרופסור אמריטוס מהמחלקה לספרות עם ישראל והמחלקה לתנ"ך באוניברסיטת בר-אילן. היא הייתה דיקאן הפקולטה למדעי היהדות, האישה הראשונה שכיהנה בתפקיד דיקאן באוניברסיטת בר-אילן. כיהנה בשתי קדנציות כראש מכון קורצוויל לחקר הספרות העברית, ובשלוש קדנציות כראש המחלקה לספרות עם ישראל, ושימשה ראש מדור ימי הביניים במחלקה לספרות עם ישראל. הייתה יועצת הרקטור למעמד האישה, וחברה בוועדות שונות של אוניברסיטת בר-אילן, ביניהן יו"ר ועדת הסטטוס של האוניברסיטה, חברה בוועדת הספרים, חברה בוועדה לתואר השני, חברה בוועדה לתואר שלישי וחברה בוועדה המרכזת. ייסדה את פורום ימי הביניים בפקולטה למדעי היהדות ועומדת בראשו. היא חברה בוועדות פרסים שונות כגון פרס ניומן לחקר הספרות העברית ופרס עקביהו. הייתה פרופסור אורח באוניברסיטת קולומביה ובאוניברסיטת מרילנד. יחד עם פרופסור אפרים חזן יזמה את הסידרה פרקי שירה- מבחר השירה והפיוט מגנזי ישראל ועורכת אותה. יחד עם ד"ר שמואל רפאל יזמה ועורכת את כתב העת "לאדינאר – מחקרים בספרות, במוזיקה ובהיסטוריה של דוברי הלאדינו". כתבה ספרים בתחום ימי הביניים, וביניהם "ספר שעשועים ליוסף בן מאיר אבן זבארה" ו"ערוגות הבשמים ליוסף בן תנחום הירושלמי", ערכה ספרים ופירסמה מאמרים רבים בתחום הספרות העברית בימי הביניים בכתבי עת מקצועיים בארץ ובחו"ל. כמו כן עיבדה לילדים סיפורים מספרות ימי הביניים שיצאו לאור בשני ספרים "הצפרדע הקנאית" ו"האריה והשועל". יחד עם פרופסור מאיה פרוכטמן מהמחלקה ללשון עברית באוניברסיטת בר-אילן עיבדה לילדים סיפורים מתוך ספר תחכמוני ליהודה אלחריזי בשם "תעלולי חבר הקיני".


    Dishon, Judith. "The Dispute Poems in the Book of Tahkemoni By Judah Alharizi" [in Hebrew] Criticism And Interpretation, In Press.



    Dishon, Judith. "Homonyms in the Thirty-third Maqama in the Book of Tahkemoni By Judah Alharizi" Aaron Mirsky Memorial Book [in Hebrew] Ramat-Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, In Press.



    Dishon, J. "The Maqamat of Al-Hamadhani in the Book of Tahkemoni By Judah Alharizi" Dappim: Research in Literature [in Hebrew] Haifa, Haifa University Press, In Press.



    Dishon, Judith. "A Travel Account of Salonika At the Beginning of the Twentieth Century" [in Hebrew] Pe'amim: Studies in Oriental Jewry, In Press.



    Dishon, Judith. The Book of the Perfumed Flower Beds by Joseph Ben Tanchum Hayerushalmi [in Hebrew], pp. 584. Beer-Sheva, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press, 2005.



    Dishon, Judith. "Dispute Poems in the Literary Work of Shlomo Sharvit Zahav from Salonika" Ladinar: Studies in the Literature, Music And the History of the Ladino Speaking Sephardic Jews, Vol. 3 [in Hebrew], pp. 85-112. Tel Aviv, The Institute For Research of the Jews of Salonika, 2004.



    Dishon, J. "Poems on Old Age in the Book 'Arugot Habesamim' by Joseph Ben Tanhum Hayerushalmi" In: Dishon, Judith; Hazan, Ephraim (ed.) Pirkei Shira: From the Hidden Treasures of Jewish Poetry, Vol. 3 [in Hebrew], pp. 67-85. Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 2003.



    Dishon, J. and Hazan, E. (eds.) In: Dishon, Judith, Hazan, Ephraim. (ed.) Pirkei Shira: From the Hidden Treasures of Jewish Poetry, Vol. 3 [in Hebrew], pp. 179. Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 2003.



    Dishon, Judith. "The Twenty-second Maqama in the Book of Tahkemoni: The Maqama of the Astrologer " [in Hebrew] Mahut, vol. 27, 2003, pp. 76-98.



    Rosen, Tova, Holtzman, Avner. "Exile And Redemption in the Book of Tahkemoni By Judah Alharizi" In: Rosen, Tova, Holtzman, Avner. (ed.) Te'uda, Vol. 19: A Volume Dedicated To Studies in Hebrew Literature of the Middle Ages And Renaissance in Honor of Professor Jona David [in Hebrew], pp. 171-190. Tel-Aviv, Tel Aviv University, 2002.



    In: Dishon, Judith, Refael-Vivante, Shmuel. (ed.) Ladinar: Studies in the Literature, Music And the History of the Ladino Speaking Sephardic Jews, Vol.2 [in Hebrew], pp. 148. Tel Aviv, The Institute For Research of the Jews of Salonika, 2001.



    Dishon, Judith. "The Maqama of Homonyms By Joseph Ben Tanhum Hayerushalmi" Dappim: Research in Literature, Vol. 12 [in Hebrew], pp. 25-63. Haifa, Haifa University Press, 2000.



    Hazan, E. and Dishon, J. (Eds.) In: Dishon, Judith, Hazan, Ephraim. (ed.) Pirkei Shira: From the Hidden Treasures of Jewish Poetry, Vol. 2 [in Hebrew], pp. 154. Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 1999.



    Dishon, J. "The Story of the Wife Who Betrayed Her Husband: The Version of the Story in 'Sepher Hama'asim'" In: Dishon, Judith; Hazan, Ephraim (ed.) Pirkei Shira: From the Hidden Treasures of Jewish Poetry, Vol. 2 [in Hebrew], pp. 35-43. Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 1999.



    Dishon, Judith. "The Use of Homonyms in the Mahberet Ha-Zimmudim By Yoseph Ben Tanhum Ha-Yerushalmi" [in Hebrew] Pe'amin: Studies in Oriental Jewry, vol. 81, 1999, pp. 19-42.



    Refael-Vivante, Shmuel Ladinar: Studies in the Literature, Music And the History of the Ladino Speaking Sephardic Jews, Vol 1 [in Hebrew], pp. 155. Tel-Aviv, The Institute For the Research of the Jews of Salonica, 1998.



    Alexander, T., Hasan-Rokem, G., Sabar, S.. "The Bad Advice of Women: A Thematic Series in Medieval Hebrew Literature" In: Alexander, T., Hasan-Rokem, G., Sabar, S.. (ed.) Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Folklore, Vol. 19-20 [in Hebrew], pp. 311-327. Jerusalem, The Magnes Press of the Hebrew University, 1998.



    Dishon, J. "The Evil Go-Between in Medieval Hebrew Literature" In: Nash, S. (ed.) Between History and Literature: Studies in Honor of Isaac Barzilay [in Hebrew], pp. 113-124. Tel-Aviv, Ha-Kibbutz Ha-Meuchad Publishing House, 1997.



    Dishon, Judith. "Hebrew Poets in Spain: The Third Maqama in 'The Book of Tahkemoni'" In: Tsur, R. and Rosen, T. (eds.) Israel Levin Jubilee Volume: Studies in Hebrew Literature. [in Hebrew], pp. 79-94. Tel-Aviv, Ramot Press, 1994.



    Dishon, Judith. "Images of Women in Medieval Literature" In: Baskin, J. (ed.) Women of the Word: Jewish Women and Jewish Writing, pp. 35-49. Detroit, Wayne State University Press, 1994.



    Dishon, J. "The Hebrew Maqama in Spain" In: Doron, A. (ed.) The Culture of Spanish Jewry, pp. 65-75. Tel Aviv, 1994.



    Dishon, Judith. "The Treacherous Wife and Her Paramour" [in Hebrew] Criticism and Interpretation, vol. 30, 1994, pp. 175-195.



    Dishon, Judith. "The Physician as Mirrored in Satirical Medieval Hebrew Literature in Spain" [in Hebrew] Apirion (Literary, Cultural and Social Review), vol. 26-7, 1993, pp. 26-33.



    Dishon, Judith. "Travel by Sea: On the 38th Maqama in 'The Book of Tahkemoni' by Judah Alharizi" Studies in Hebrew Literature and Yemenite Culture: Jubilee Volume Presented to Yehuda Ratzaby [in Hebrew], pp. 377-394. Ramat Gan, Bar-Ilan University Press, 1991.



    Dishon, Judith. "Medieval Panorama in the Book of Tahkemoni" Proc. Of the American Academy for Jewish Research, vol. 56, 1990, pp. 11-27.



    Dishon, Judith. "On Ecclesiastes 11:9 - 12:8 - An Allegory on Man's End" Encyclopedia of the World of the Bible, Vol. 16b [in Hebrew], pp. 55. Ramat Gan, Revivim Press, 1988.



    Dishon, Judith. "On Ecclesiastes 7:25 - And I Find Women More Bitter Than Death"" Encyclopedia of the World of the Bible, Vol. 16b [in Hebrew], pp. 42. Ramat Gan, Revivim Press, 1988.



    Dishon, Judith. "A Unique Description of Hunting in 'The Book of Tahkemoni' by Judah Alharazi" In: Malachi, Z. (ed.) Essays on Jewish Culture (Aaron Mirsky Jubilee Volume) [in Hebrew], pp. 221-232. Lod, Habermann Institute for Literary Research, 1986.



    Dishon, Judith. "Portrayal of the Ideal Wife in Two Hebrew Secular Works of the Middle Ages: The Proverbs of the Arabs (Mishle Arav) and the Stories of the Ancients (Mashal Hakadmoni)" [in Hebrew] Yeda-Am, vol. 23, 1986, pp. 3-15.



    Dishon, Judith. The Book of Delight, Composed by Joseph Ben Meir Zabara [in Hebrew], pp. 292. Jerusalem, Rubin Mass, 1985.



    Dishon, Judith. "Was Joseph Ibn Zabara a Misogynist" [in Hebrew] Bitzaron, vol. 7, 1985, pp. 46-52.



    Dishon, Judith. "The Deception by Disguise Motif in the Medieval Hebrew Maqamot Literature" [in Hebrew] Yeda-Am, vol. 22, 1984, pp. 41-53.



    Dishon, Judith. "Narration in "The Book of Tahkemoni" by Judah Alharizi" [in Hebrew] Yeda-Am, vol. 21, 1982, pp. 21-27.



    Dishon, Judith. "Who Can Find a Good Wife? (On Proverbs 31:10-31)" [in Hebrew] Yeda-Am, vol. 21, 1982, pp. 21-27.



    Dishon, Judith. "The Ten Plagues in Medieval Jewish Thought" South Africa Jewish Observer, vol. April, 1981.



    Dishon, Judith. "The Maqama of the Robber by Judah Alharizi" [in Hebrew] Criticism and Interpretation, vol. 16, 1981, pp. 71-83.



    Dishon, Judith. "A Medieval Image of the Perfect Wife" South Africa Jewish Observer, vol. December, 1980, pp. 7.



    Dishon, Judith. The Clever Hare and the Jealous Frog: Stories Based on Hebrew Fables [in Hebrew] Tel Aviv, Am Oved, 1979.



    Dishon, Judith. "Four Poems on Chanukah in Secular Hebrew Poetry of the Middle Ages" South Africa Jewish Observer, vol. December, 1979, pp. 5.



    Dishon, Judith. "The Fable in Hebrew Literature" South Africa Jewish Observer, vol. September, 1979, pp. 5.



    Dishon, Judith. "On the Source of Judah Alharizi's Twenty-First Maqama in "The Book of Tahkemoni"" [in Hebrew] Criticism and Interpretation, vol. 13-14, 1979, pp. 9-26.



    Dishon, Judith. "On the Construction of "The Book of Delight" by Joseph Ibn Zabara" [in Hebrew] Bar-Ilan Annual, vol. 16-17, 1979, pp. 221-241.



    Dishon, Judith. "Bible Exegesis in the Earliest Hebrew Maqamat in Spain" [in Hebrew] Sinai, vol. 82, 1978, pp. 171-179.



    Dishon, Judith. "Women in 'The Book of Delight' by Joseph Ibn Zabara" [in Hebrew] Bar-Ilan Annual, vol. 13, 1976, pp. 188-210.



    Dishon, Judith. "The Wise Judge Tales in Joseph Ibn Zabara's 'Book of Delight'" [in Hebrew] Criticism and Interpretation, vol. 9-10, 1976, pp. 229-238.



    Dishon, Judith. "Eight Hundred Years of the Maqama" [in Hebrew] Ha'aretz, 1975.



    Dishon, Judith. "The Bible in the Light of the Targum" [in Hebrew] Gesher, vol. 20, 1974, pp. 89-91.



    Dishon, Judith. "Ne'um Asher Ben Judah, by Shlomo Ibn Saqbal and the Twentieth Maqama in 'The Book of Tahkemoni' by Judah Alharazi" [in Hebrew] Criticism and Interpretation, vol. 6, 1974, pp. 57-65.



    Dishon, Judith. "Talmudic References in 'The Book of Delight' by Joseph Ibn Zabara: A New Literary Device" [in Hebrew] Bar-Ilan Annual, vol. 12, 1974, pp. 200-223.



    Dishon, Judith. "The Cantor in the Hebrew Maqama in Spain" [in Hebrew] Sinai, vol. 74, 1974, pp. 242-251.



    Dishon, Judith. "A Critical Study of 'The Writ of Excommunication' by Judah Ibn Shabbetai" [in Hebrew] Criticism and Interpretation, vol. 4-5, 1974, pp. 48-52.



    Dishon, Judith. "On the Identification of Todros Halevi" J. Jewish Studies, vol. 24, 1973, pp. 84-87.



    Dishon, Judith. "Use of Parody from the Talmud in the Hebrew Maqama" [in Hebrew] Sinai, vol. 71, 1972, pp. 77-82.



    Dishon, Judith. "Gideon and the Beginnings of Monarchy in Israel" [in Hebrew] Tarbiz, vol. 41, 1972, pp. 255-265.



    Dishon, Judith. "New Light on Judah Ibn Shabbetai as a Historian" [in Hebrew] Bitzaron, vol. 63, 1971, pp. 56-65.



    Dishon, Judith. "The Lost Historical Work of Jonah Ibn Shabbetai" [in Hebrew] Zion, vol. 36, 1971, pp. 191-199.



    Dishon, Judith. "The Sources of the Maqama 'Minhat Judah' by Judah Ibn Shabbetai and Its Influence on the Sixth Maqama of Judah Alharizi" [in Hebrew] Otzar Yehudei Sefarad, vol. 11-12, 1970, pp. 57-73.



    Dishon, Judith. "Relics of Mythology in the Book of Psalms" Sepher Ser Kavod: A Collection of Biblical Studies [in Hebrew], pp. 161-167. Jerusalem, Kiryat Sefer Publications, 1968.



    Dishon, Judith. A Critical Examination of the Literary Work of Judah Ibn Shabbetai Ann Arbor, University Microfilms, 1968.



    Dishon, Judith. "Grades of Family Relationships in the Bible" [in Hebrew] Beit Mikra, vol. 1, 1967, pp. 83-99.

    Last Updated Date : 08/01/2025