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Dr. Naomi Zohar

    קורות חיים



    BA     אונ' בר אילן 1980

    PH.D אונ' בר-אילן 1983

    ד"ר נעמי זהר היא חוקרת ספרות ההשכלה, ובמשך שנות פעילותה באוניברסיטת בר-אילן  עסקה בהוראת ספרות זו. מחקריה עוסקים ביוצרים נשכחים וביצירות שעד כה לא זכו להתייחסות רבה במחקר הספרותי. בכל מחקריה היא מייחדת תשומת לב לבירורן של יצירות אלו, לזיקתן למקורות המקראיים והמדרשיים ולצביונן הרעיוני.
    לימדה במחלקה לספרות עם ישראל בין השנים 2003-1984


    Research Fields


    • Key Words: Haskalah Literature; Biblical Drama; Essays on Judaism;Humanism and Nationalism.


    Research Projects



    Zohar’s initial area of academic interest focused on Hebrew Literature during the period of the Haskalah (18th-19th century enlightenment), especially in neglected Literature Texts written by Torah Scholars in Eastern Europe.
    In her research she includes thematic side on Archetypal Stories from Jewish Literature which appear in widely read Stories of the Haskalah Literature.
    Zohar’s interests have shifted towards Biblical-Drama in the Enlightenment period. In this area she has recently published a book dealing with the ways of interpretations of Biblical Stories by Haskalah Playwriters. The book ‘BE’OR HADASH, considers the genre, the subjects and the structures. The Corpus includes approximately 25 plays published between 1794-1881.






    “Degel Yehuda (Manuscript) by Jehuda Leinwand”, Jerusalem, Kiryat Sefer 59, 1984, 938-945 (Heb.).
    “Between Shem and Yefet - a Problem of Translation in Haskalah Literature”. Moznaim 62, Tel Aviv, Apr. 1988: 4-9 (Heb.).
    “The Satire ‘Megilath America’ (Manuscript by an Unknown Author in the 19th Century” Jerusalem: Kiryat Sefer, 1989. 453-456 (Heb.).
    “Nakam-Brith - Smolenskin’s National Will”. Alei Siach 26 1989: 173-179 (Heb.).
    “The story of the Weasel and the Well in the literature of the Enlightenment”, Criticism and Interpretation 30, (August 1994), Bar Ilan UP, 1994, pp. 121-155. (Heb.)
    “Jephthah in his days as David in his” - the conceptual and poetic process in the drama Jephthah’s daughter, by Moshe Neiman, chapter in a jubilee book, in honour of prof’ S.Werses 20 p. (Heb) ,Magnes, Jerusalem. (in Press).
    “Shulhan Aruch Hacadash”: A Study in the Booklet “Hachasid We’Hamaskil”, by Israel Gelbart’, chapter in a jubilee book, criticism and interpretation, Bar-Ilan UP, 16 p (Heb) , ( in press)



    Oleloth Mi-Batsir: Haskalah, Hassidim and Mitnaggedim in Neglected Literary Works. Jerusalem: Rubin Mass, 1987, 246p .(Heb).
    Be’or Hadash: Studies in the Hebrew Biblical Play of the Haskalah Period, Bar-Ilan UP, 2001, 394 ,(Heb).



    “Massa Zafon im Ma’ashe rokeah” by Abraham Godlberg. A satire on the structure and the image of the messiah. Proceedings of the eighth world congress of Jewish studies, Jerusalem (Aug. 1981) Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies, 1982, 197-202 (Heb.).
    “Egypt in Hebrew Haskalah Literature” - The Plague of the Frog. Proceedings of the Ninth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem (Aug. 1985). Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies, 1986, 207-212 (Heb.).
    “S.D. Luzzato on Mendelssohn and the Haskalah of Berlin in the Parody ‘On the Cities that Have Gone Astray’ (Al Hearim Haniddahot)”. Proceedings of the 10th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem (Aug. 1989). Jerusalem: World Union of Jewish Studies, 1990 65-72 (Heb.).
    “Hulda and Abraham: Philippson’s Version on the Well and the Weasel”. Proceedings of the 11th world congress of jewish studies, (Aug. 1993) world Union of Jewish studies 1994, 61-69. (Heb.).
    “On the Servant of the lord and the Messenger of the Haskalah” in the Biblical Drama ‘Joseph and Osnat’ 1817, by Z. Rashkov, proceedings of the 12th world congress of Jewish studies, Jerusalem (Aug. 1997). Jerusalem, World Union of Jewish Studies, 10 p, (Heb), (in Press).


    Last Updated Date : 04/12/2022