Dr. Dov Cohen

    קורות חיים


    2011      Ph.D., The Joseph and Norman Berman Department of Literature of the

                  Jewish People, Bar-Ilan University

                  Doctorate research topic: The Ladino Bookshelf: Research and Mapping

                  Advisor: Prof. Shmuel Refael

    2003      Master’s in Jewish History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

                  Master’s research topic: The Social Status of Torah Sages in Izmir in

                  the 18th and 19th Centuries

                  Advisor: Prof. Joseph R. Hacker

    1996      Bachelor’s in Jewish History, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


    Professional  Experience and Appointments

    2022-              Head of The Salti Institute for Ladino Studies, Bar-Ilan University.

    2019-             Senior Lecturer, The Salti Institute for Ladino Studies, Bar-Ilan University.

    2014-2019     Lecturer, The Salti Institute for Ladino Studies, Bar-Ilan University.

    2014-             Member, Council of the National Authority for Ladino Culture

    2000-2013     Assistant Director – Yad Yitzchak Ben-Zvi Library

    1998-2008     Librarian, Institute for Hebrew Bibliography, Jerusalem. Catalogued Ladino books

    1997              Archivist, The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People, Jerusalem

    1995-1996     Researcher, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Researcher on the

                          sources of Ottoman music in Hebrew manuscripts

    1989-1992     Researcher, Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem. Researcher on The Takanot

                          Sepharad Project


    Grants and Awards

    2013                Grant from the Israeli National Authority for Ladino Culture

    2012                Eduard Duckesz Award - Institut für die Geschichte der

                            deutschen Juden & Eduard-Duckesz Fellow, Hamburg

    2009                Prize for research on the history of Oriental Jewry from the

                            Education Ministry and the Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem

    2008                Benny Gaon Prize for Outstanding Research Students, Ben Gurion University

    2007-2010       President’s Scholarship for Doctoral Studies, Bar-Ilan University

    2003                Prize for research on the history of Oriental Jewry from the

                            Education Ministry and the Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem

    1996                Award for degree students from the Centre International de

                            Recherches sur les Juifs du Maroc


    Public and Communal Positions

    1993-1995     Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Lisbon, Portugal



    • The history of the Ladino book

    • The Ladino press throughout the ages

    • The history of Sephardic Jewry and the exiles in the Diaspora

    • Ladino literature: Written genres

    • Halachic literature in Ladino

    • Sephardic-Jewish genealogy

    • Hebrew paleography

    • The Hebrew book and its offshoots




    Dov Cohen, Thesaurus of the Ladino Book 1490-1960: An Annotated Bibliography, Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem 2021. (in Hebrew)


    Journal Articles

    Dov Cohen, “The Hebrew Printing in Izmir,” Kiryat Sefer, Vol. 64 (1992-1993), pp. 1403-1423. (in Hebrew)

    Dov Cohen, “The General Bibliography of the Ladino Book,” Ladinar 4 (2006), pp. 189-196. (in Ladino)

    Dov Cohen, “His Own Emissary: The life and times of Rabbi Abraham Hamuy (1838-1886),” Pe'amim, 141 (2014), pp. 7-61. (in Hebrew)

    Dov Cohen, “Who is the Author of the Ladino Shulhan ha-Panim (Salonica 1568)?", Hispania Judaica Bulletin, 11 (2015), Hebrew Section, pp. 33-61. (in Hebrew)

    Dov Cohen, "An Approach to the Literary Activity of Captain Barros Basto", Cadernos de Estudos Sefarditas, 18 (2018), pp. 61-98. (In Portuguese)

    Dov Cohen, “On the Term Soletreo: Its Uses and Evolution,” Masorot 19-20 (2019), pp. 49-68. (in Hebrew)

    Dov Cohen, “New Findings in the Field of Sixteenth Century Ladino Bibles”, Sefarad 79:1 (2019), pp. 199-224. (in Spanish)

    Dov Cohen and Ora (Rodrigue) Schwarzwald, “Coṃpendio delas šeḥiṭót (Constantinople ca. 1510): The First Book Printed in Ladino”, Journal of Jewish Languages 7 (2019), pp. 27-52

    Dov Cohen, “Missing Treasures: Tracking Lost Ladino Books,” Zutot 17 (2020), pp. 58-73.

    Ora (Rodrigue) Schwarzwald and Dov Cohen,The Discovery of the First Printed Translation into Ladino of Pirkey Avot (Thessaloniki, ca. 1570), Sefarad 80 (2020), pp. 117-136. (in Spanish)

    Dov Cohen, “Rabbinic Attitudes toward Manifestations of Modernity and Secularism within Nineteenth Century Sephardic Society”, Revue des Études Juives, 180:1-2 (2021), pp. 173-192. 



    Articles in Research Collections

    Dov Cohen, “Four Hundred Years of Ladino Printing in Italy,” in: Judeo-Spanish (Ladino), Sephardic Culture and Tradition: Present, Past and Future, Livorno 2007. pp. 147-153. (in Ladino)

    Dov Cohen, “Greek-Ladino Translations Published in Salonika,” Judeo-Espagnol – Social and Cultural Life in Salonika through Judeo-Spanish Texts, (2008), pp. 161-166. (in Ladino)

    Dov Cohen, "New findings on Rafael Uziel, precursor of the journalism in Ladino," in: R. Sánchez and M.C. Bornes Varol (eds.), La presse judéo-espagnole, support et vecteur de la modernité, Istanbul 2014, pp. 231-253. (in Ladino)


    Articles Appearing as Book Chapters

    Dov Cohen, “The life and times of Rabbi Avraham Benezra,” Bate Knessiyot. Jerusalem 1997, pp. 13-22. (in Hebrew)

    Dov Cohen, “The life and times of Rabbi Refael Yossef Hazan,” Chikere Lev, Part I. Jerusalem 1998, pp. 9-28. (in Hebrew)

    Dov Cohen, “The Hierarchy of Honorific Titles of Izmir Rabbis,” in: Y. Ben-Naeh et al. (eds.) Studies in Jewish History Presented to Joseph Hacker. Jerusalem 2014, 503-527. (in Hebrew)

    Dov Cohen, “New Sources in Portuguese Aljamiado: A Collection of Letters Concerning the Commercial Activities of Sephardic Jews in the Ottoman Empire”, in: B. Feitler and C.B. Stuczinski (eds.), Portuguese Jews, New Christians and 'New Jews': A Tribute to Roberto Bachmann, Leiden-Boston 2018, pp. 73-101.


    Lectures at Scientific Conferences


    “Methods of Ladino Writing and Spelling in Bibliographic Cataloguing.” First International Conference for Ladino Writing and Spelling, Jerusalem.

    “New Sources in Judeo-Portuguese on the Relationship between Spanish and Portuguese Jewry in Italy, Salonika, and Dubrownik in the 16th Century.” Hispania Judaica Seminar, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.



    “Coplas as a Historical Source: Unknown Coplas in Judeo-Spanish about the Janissary Revolt in Izmir in 1727-1728.” Misgav Yerushalayim’s Sixth International Congress.



    “Identifying the Author of ‘Shulchan HaPanim’ in Ladino - Salonika 1568.” Thirteenth International Congress of Judaic Studies, Jerusalem.



    “The Jewish Community of Izmir and Its Sages.” History series, The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, Jerusalem.

    “Ladino Literature’s Place and Role among the Jews of the Ottoman Empire.” History series, The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, Jerusalem.



    “Greek-Ladino Translations Published in Salonika.” Third International Conference on the Judeo-Spanish Language, Thessaloniki

    “The General Bibliography of the Ladino Book.” First Programmatic Conference 'Spanish welcomes the Judeo-Spanish (Ladino), Ramat-Gan

    “Rabbinic Literature of the Sephardic Diaspora as a Genealogical Source: Examples from Izmir.” 24th International Jewish Genealogical Conference, International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies, Jerusalem.

    “Sephardic-Jewish Genealogical Sources Written in Soletreo.” 24th International Jewish Genealogical Conference, International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies, Jerusalem.



    “Four Hundred Years of Ladino Printing in Italy.” Judeo-Spanish - Sephardic Culture and Tradition: Present, Past and Future, Livorno

    “Ladino Texts from the Cairo Genizah.” Fourteenth International Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem.



    “The Ladino Bookshelf of Jerusalem Jewry in the 19th and 20th Centuries.” Conference on Sephardic Jewry and the Ladino Language, Jerusalem.



    “One Hundred and Fifty Years of the Ladino Press.” Sixth Sephardic Jorneys, San Millan de la Cogolla.

    “The Ben-Zvi Institute’s Ladino Newspaper Collection and Its Significance for Researching Ladino Culture.” Conference on the Ladino Press, Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem.



    “Printed Ladino Books from the 16th Century: Further Revelations from the Cairo Genizah.” Research Workshop on the Spanish Expulsion and the Forced Conversion of Portuguese Jewry, National Science Foundation, Jerusalem.

    “The History of the Ladino Press.” The Center for the Study of Jewish Languages and Literatures, Jerusalem.



    “Research Tools For Uncovering the Identities of Anonymous Authors of Different Genres of Ladino Literature.” Conference of the Association of Judaic Studies Librarians, National Library, Jerusalem.



    “Refael Uziel (1816-1881): Pioneer of Ladino Journalism.” Conference The Judeo-Spanish Press, Support and Vector of Modernity, INALCO, Paris



    “His Own Emissary: The Life and Work of R’ Avraham Hamuy.” Sephardic Jewry from Edom to Kedar: International Conference in Honor of Professor Yom Tov Assis, Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem.

    “Initial Steps toward Creating a Corpus of Judeo-Spanish Texts Written For or By Women.” Conference Sephardic Women as Readers and Writers, Madrid.

    “The Final Will and Testament of Saadi HaLevi Eskenazi of Salonika (1820-1903).” Colloquium on Wills in the Ottoman and Mediterranean Realm, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

    “Viennese Exiles, Sages, and Scholars: A Rabbinic Ashkenazi Family Integrates Into the Jewish Community of Izmir (1700-1970).” 8th Annual Conference of Jewish Genealogy, Israel Genealogy Society, Diaspora Museum, Tel Aviv.

    “New Sources in Portuguese Aljamiado: A Collection of Letters Concerning the Commercial Activities of Sephardic Jews in the Ottoman Empire,” International Conference In the Iberian Peninsula and in the Diaspora: language and culture of Jews and Moors, University of Évora Portugal



    “Between Spain and Portugal: The Functions and Uses of the Languages Spoken By the Exiles in the First Generations Following the Spanish Expulsion.” 5th International Conference of the Center for the Study of Jewish Languages and Literatures, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

    “Ladino Newspapers as a Source for the Genealogical Study of Sephardic Jewry.” Second Summer University of Judeo-Spanish, Paris.



    “Ladino Sermons: an Abandoned Genre?,” 18º Congreso de Estudios Sefardíes, CSIC, Madrid.

    “Ladino Theater as an expression of a Cultural Mosaic,” 22th Marathon of Ladino Research, The Salti Center for Ladino Research, Bar-Ilan University.

    “The Resources for the Study of Sephardi Jews Genealogy in the Ben Zvi Institute Library,” National Library, Jerusalem.

    “The 'Ladino Bookshelf': a Panoramic View on the Sephardic Jews Literature”. The Sephardim – History and Culture. The Diaspora Museum, Tel-Aviv.



    “Family Names of Cohanim in Izmir – the Cohen-Arias Family as a Test Case (1670-1970),” The Twelfth International Conference of Jewish Names, Bar-Ilan University.

    “A panoramic view on the Judeo-Spanish literary activity of Sephardic Jews in the United States,” International Conference Sephardic, North African and Middle Eastern Jewish Communities in North America, Concordia University, Montreal.

    “Cemetery Research and Necrology of the Jews of Izmir (17th–20th Century),” The 35th International Conference on Jewish Genealogy, Jerusalem.

    “A Journey in the Ladino Books World (1490-1960),” The National Library, Jerusalem.

    “The Ladino Press Research,” International Conference, Between Colonial, National and Ethnic Networks: Elmaleh and his Counterparts, 1900-1967, Tel Aviv University.

    “Review of Mathilda Reitan's Collection of Ladino Books,”  23th Marathon of Ladino Research, The Salti Center for Ladino Research, Bar-Ilan University.

    “The World of Ladino Press,” The Sephardim – History and Culture. The Diaspora Museum, Tel-Aviv.



    “The Ladino Collection of the National Library.” International Workshop Ladino and Yiddish Rabbinic Writings. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

    “Ladino Printings in Venice”. International Conference Jews in the Glorious City - 500th Anniversary of the Ghetto in Venice, Ben-Zvi Institute, Jerusalem.

    “Soletreo: the Sephardic Cursive Script,” 6th International Conference of the Center for the Study of Jewish Languages and Literatures, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.

    “Rabbinic attitude towards expressions of enlightenment and secularity within the Sephardi society, ” The Nineteenth Conference on Judeo-Spanish Studies, Queen Mary University of London.



    "The Jewish Press in Salonica", JPRESS, Tel Aviv University.

    "The Sephardim and Ladino Books History", 12th CONFARAD, Rio de Janeiro.

    "The Memoirs of Sa'adi Ha-Levy Eskenazi from Salonica (1819-1903), 17th World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem.



    "The Uniqueness of Salti Institute Library", Symposium: Books and Collections, Research and Spreading Ladino Language, Bar-Ilan University.

    " An Approach to the Literary Activity of Captain Artur Carlos de Barros Basto (1887–1961)", International Conference: Jews of Portugal and the Spanish-Portuguese Jewish Diaspora, Oporto University, Portugal

    "Coṃpendio delas šeḥiṭót (Constantinople ca. 1510): The First Book Printed in Ladino", 11th Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies, Krákow (with Prof. Ora Schwarzwald)

    "Researching Sephardic Bibles from XVI Century", International Congress: Spanish Bibles: Vernacular Translation in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Palma de Mallorca


    Last Updated Date : 09/11/2022