Chair, The Department of Literature of Jewish People

Prof. Tamar Wolf-Monzon

building 410, floor 3, room 324
שעות קבלה
by appointmen
    קורות חיים


    B.A.  1982-1984   Summa cum laude

                                 Department of Literature of the Jewish People, Bar Ilan University


    Ph.D. 1987-1995   Direct doctoral program, With Highest Distinction

                                  Department of Literature of the Jewish People, Bar Ilan University                         


    History of academic appointments

    1987-1995              Instructor, Literature of the Jewish People, Bar Ilan University

    1996-2003              Lecturer, Literature of the Jewish People, Bar Ilan University

    2004-present          Senior lecturer, Literature of the Jewish People, Bar Ilan University


    Prizes and awards:

    1986                      Israel Efrat Award, Dept of Literature of the Jewish People

    1986-1988             Scholarship of excellence, Committee of scholarships , and awards, Bar Ilan                                                           University

    1988                      Scholarship of excellence, Faculty of Jewish Studies

    1988-1990             Scholarship, Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture

    1989-1992             Berman Scholarship for excellence, Dept. of Literature of the, Jewish People

    1991                      Certificate of excellence, Knesset Education Committee

    1991-1992             Scholarship, Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture

    1994                      Scholarship of excellence, Faculty of Jewish Studies


    Research grants

    1999-2000             Yad Hanadiv – Book grant

    1999-2000              Bar Ilan University – Internal research grant

    2003                       Grant proposal to National Science Foundation as head researcher (in                                                                  collaboration with Zohar Livnat) – grade: Very good

    2005                       Mifal Hapayis Fund for Culture and Art

    2006                       Maor Fund

    2006                       Rector, Bar Ilan University

    2007-2008              Maor Fund

    2008                       Berman Fund

     2012                      Grant proposal to National Science Foundation as head researcher


    Professional activities

    1998- present        Director of Ya'akov Orland's archive

    2000-2004             Member of Education Ministry professional committee in                                                                                         charge of drawing up curriculum for Bagrut studies at state-religious                                                                       high schools

    2000- present         Member of Beit Uri Zvi Grinberg society

    2003-present          Co-editor of Criticism & Interpretation  

    2004                       Member of Education Ministry judging panel for aspiring poets

    2004-present          Member of judging panel, Wertheim prize for first-time authors, Bar Ilan University

    2004-present -        Member of judging panel, Akavyahu prize award for a life's work in  poetry, Bar                                                      Ilan University

    2005                       Member of selection committee, Tel Aviv municipal culture council - “Poetry on the                                                  street” project

    2005-2008              Member of interdepartmental committee for Ph.D studies, Faculty of Jewish                                                            Studies

    2007                       Member of judging panel, Tel Aviv municipal culture council – “Poetry on the                                                          street” contest

    2007                       Member of Literature Division, Israel Council for Culture and Art

    2007                       Member of Education Ministry judging panel for outstanding Books

    2010-present          Member of the Committee of scholarships and prizes, Bar Ilan University

    2012-present          Head of the Department of Literature of the Jewish People      

    2013                       Member of international judging panel, Gershon Shaked prize for excellent                                                            dissertation

    2013                       Member of judging panel, Bernstein prize for poetry


    Organizational work Conferences

    1. “Like a Burning Bush,” inter-university conference marking the 100th birthday of Uri Zvi Grinberg, Bar Ilan University and Hebrew University of Jerusalem, April 14, 1997

    2. “Controversies in Hebrew Literature,” conference marking the 90th birthday of Baruch Kurtzweil, 13th Inter-university Conference on the Study of Hebrew Literature, 1-3 February, 1998

    3. “Border Zones in Modern Hebrew Literature,” inter-university conference honoring Prof. Yehuda Friedlander, Bar Ilan University, March 23, 2005 

    4. “Text, Language, Meaning,” study day in honor of the publication of the 38th issue of Criticism and Interpretation,”  Bar Ilan University, March 8, 2006.

    5. “The Poetry of Uri Zvi Grinberg,” inter-university study day, May 17, 2006


    Fields of specialization

    1. Poetics of Uri Zvi Grinberg

    2. Poetry of the Third Aliyah: Linguistic, stylistic and socio-literary aspects

    3. Poetry and politics

    4. Hebrew song in the Yishuv and early years of the state: Poetic, historical and cultural aspects

    5. Literary work of Ya'akov Orland


    M.A. Students:

    1. Ya’akov Abarbanel – 2001 (cum laude)

    2. Galit Halili – 2002 (summa cum laude)

    3. Eliora Uliel – 2011 - (summa cum laude)

    4. Dikla Cohen – (cum laude)


    Ph.D. Students

    1. Ya’akov Abarbanel – 2006

    2. Gili Dayan-Pearl – 2009

    3. Na’ama Levinthal – 2009

    4. Baruch Falah - 2011

    5. Sivan Har-Sheffi - 2012

    6. Gina Ganiel

    7. Oshra Alfassi

    8. Hannah Shapira

    9. Chaya Binosovitch

    10. Avraham Cohen

    11. Michal Meishar 




    Main Research Interests and Scientific Activities (briefly)

    Study of the poetics of Uri Zvi Grinberg

    The poetry of the Third Aliyah: Linguistic, stylistic and socio-literary aspects

    Poetry and politics

    1. My research focuses on historical, socio-literary, cultural and linguistic processes, and how they influence the poet’s the spiritual and intellectual biography and the poetic characteristics of their literary output. My monographic studies of Uri Zvi Grinberg and Ya'acov Orland also explore how their work was accepted, their relationship with their readers and with other interpretive communities.

    2. The literary work of Ya'acov Orland on the background of the polysytem that existed during the pre-state period of the Yishuv and after the establishment of the state.
    3. Hebrew song – Poetic, historical, linguistic and cultural aspects
    4. The Construction of the Figurative Language in Poetry

    Academic Profile

    My research in the field of Modern Hebrew literature focuses on poetry written in the first half of the 20th century, in the days when Hebrew modernism was taking shape. I explore historical, socio-literary, cultural and linguistic processes and how they influence the poets’ spiritual biography and the poetic characteristics of their literary output.

    My current research project, Bahir Ve-Gavoha Kezemer: Ya’akov Orland - Poetics, History, Culture (The Ben Gurion research institute, in print), is an attempt to map Orland's work as a whole and the evolution of his lyrical style over a writing career spanning more than sixty years. The study traces Orland’s literary efforts in the spheres of lyrical poetry, theater, translation and songwriting, with an emphasis on the diversity of his work in a cultural polysystem framework, as well as his involvement in literary circles such as the Yahdav group in the 1930s and Mahbarot Lesifrut, led by Natan Alterman and Israel Zmora, in the 1940s and early 1950s.

    Other aspects of Orland’s work are explored in an article I wrote about the cultural-ideological climate in the 1930s (Iyunim bitkumat yisrael, 2005) and an article on the fighting and resistance songs that Ya’akov Orland wrote together with Mordechai Zeira during their service in the British army’s Hebrew Entertainment Troupe. In these songs, Orland creates a new poetic language that had a major impact on Israel’s militaristic ethos (Cathedra, 2008). Another article deals with the ballad 'The day of Tel Faher', and with Orland's poetic way to explain the gap between the historic truth about the failure of the battle and the mythic truth  that took shape in the national and cultural mind (Hebrew Studies, in print).

    The monograph is based on manuscripts, correspondence and other previously unpublished documents. Most of the material comes from the poet’s archive, entrusted to me in 1998 by the Kurtzweil Institute for the purpose of writing a book. I have supplemented it with documents and source material from other archives: the Asher Barash Gnazim Institute, the Nathan Alterman Institute, the Israeli Documentation Center for the Performing Arts, the Central Zionist Archives and the archive of the Israel Labor Party. In my article “27 Poems – Natan Would Say” (Dapim Lemekhkar Besifrut, 2009), I demonstrated the importance of readings based on manuscripts and comparisons of the draft and printed versions, with an eye to deletions, additions and changes. The differences between the author’s spontaneous, unedited copy and the reworked final version can be enlightening.

    My interest in the cultural and socio-literary aspects of modernist writing in Eretz Yisrael during the Yishuv period led to another research project conducted under the auspices of the Heksherim Institute of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev – mapping the cafes of the 1930s and 1940s, which were an important venue for cultural and literary activity in Tel Aviv. The study examines the key role of various cafes as a backdrop for cultural and personal interaction, and the intergenerational battle then raging in Hebrew literature.

    This polysystemic study of a poet’s literary and cultural activities ties in naturally with my previous research of the poetry and journalistic writing of Uri Zvi Grinberg in Eretz Yisrael in the 1920s. In my book, Lenoga nekudat hapele (Haifa University and Zmora-Bitan, 2006) and other articles, I have explored the link between poetry and journalistic writing in terms of the linguistic organization of the text (for example, Criticism and Interpretation, 2005), but also as a broader cultural-aesthetic phenomenon, examining the reception of Grinberg’s work in light of the unique ethos of the Third Aliyah (Prooftexts, 2009, JJS, fortcoming), or on the  background of the first decade of the British Mandate over Eretz Israel, and its political-historical contexts. (Israel Studies, 2013).

    Another research topic emanating from my earlier work, which traces the development of Modern Hebrew poetry in the light of historical and cultural processes, is political poetry and its social connotations, such as my study of the political poems of Dahlia Ravikovitch (Re’eh, forthcoming), and the use of graphic and perverted images as a key to understanding the political poetry of Rami Ditzani (Tzafon, 2004).

    The linkage between poetic and linguistic discourse has also interested me in recent years. In collaboration with Zohar Livnat, I edited a special issue of Bikoret u-parshanut (Criticism and Interpretation: Journal for Research in Jewish Literature), exploring these links. Our joint research on the language of Uri Zvi Grinberg, and especially collocations in his poetic and journalistic writings, has produced several articles (Bikoret u-parshanut, 2005); Uri Zvi Grinberg’s Streets of the River – Research and Documents, 2007; Shofar 2005). Over the last few years, we have been building a computerized database for the complete poetic and journalistic writings of Uri Zvi Grinberg, sponsored by the Responsa project of Bar Ilan University. This database will serve as the basis for our plans to put out an encyclopedia of collocations in Grinberg’s work. To date, our work on this project, which enjoys the support of the rector of Bar Ilan University, has been underwritten by several research grants.



    Prof. Tamar Wolf-Monzon

    Courses in 2015/2016


    Course Name: The Fundamentals of Poetry –   (introductory course) 13-600-01

    Meta-goal:                  The course strives to give the student a foundation for the reading and interpretation of literature. The course will explore the organization and rhetorical structures of the poetic text, figurative means of expression and the elements that make up the phonetic organization of the poetic text.

    Course structure and content:

    Between the poetic text and the documentary text, the difference between poetry and prose; the structural organization of the poetic text (the different functions of syntactical-rhetorical repetitions; the comparison as a rhetorical device; flat and in-depth structures; principals of selection and conjunction).

    Linguistic communications actions, fixed and temporary semantic shifts; types of change in semantic shifts, the metaphoric and metonymic poles (modes of classification and analysis of rhetorical figures of speech: the metaphor, simile, symbol, image, metonym, etc.)

    Understanding the concepts of: meter, tempo and rhythm.

    The tonal and quantitative principal in poetic meter, Ashkenazi pronunciation – principals and rules, types of meters in poetry, the transition from the Ashkenazi stress to the Sepharadi stress,; Sepharadi pronunciation – principals and features, deviations and exceptions in metrics, assonant and consonant rhyming, prosody and alliteration.





    Course name:            Uri Zvi Grinberg’s early works (1912-1926): Poetics and rhetoric (Elective course) 13-275-01

    Meta-goal:                  To get to know the poetic and journalistic oeuvre of Uri Zvi Grinberg, one of the greatest Hebrew poets in the modern age, learn about how his creative consciousness formed, the dialogue that his poetry holds with the canon of Hebrew literature over the generations, alongside exposure to European cultural and avant-garde influences.

    Course structure and content:

    The place of Uri Zvi Grinberg on the map of Hebrew poetry, definition of the corpus and its features, Uri Zvi Grinberg’s childhood home and intellectual habitat, his early works, sources of influence and inspiration in the early stages of the formation of his work; features of the Warsaw literary center, the influence of the First World War on his work, the Warsaw period – his poetic and journalistic works (study of Mephisto).

    The Berlin period – the encounter with German Expressionism, the issues of Albatross and their poetical and rhetorical features, Uri Zvi Grinberg’s decision to immigrate to Eretz Israel and the poetic consequences, on the background of the Third Aliya – the encounter with the pioneers, the Eima Gedola VeYareach collection – poetic and rhetorical features. The Tur Malka poetry cycle, readings in HaGavrut HaOlah (archetypical elements, the structure of symbolic systems), between his poetry and journalistic writings – linguistic and stylistic affinities, the oxymoronic approach to the expanse of Eretz Israel.



    Course name:            Shlonsky, Alterman and what they share (Seminar & Course) 13-505-01, 13-487-01

    Meta-goal:                  The story of the development of Hebrew poetry in the twentieth century through the consolidation of the poetics of two of the poets that shaped Hebrew modernity, Avraham Shlonsky and Natan Alterman, and a review of how they influenced the literary norms of the groups at whose centers they stood.

    Secondary goals:

    1. To become acquainted with the formative steps in the poetry of Avraham Shlonsky and Natan Alterman – a monographic review of their work.
    2. To learn about the activities of the literary groups at whose center they were active (Ketuvim, Yahdav, Mahbarot LeSifrut) – a description of the literary expanse in which they worked, the journals in which they published, the literary life that characterized their work – the cafés in which they sat, their sources of influence and inspiration.
    3. The “anxiety of influence” of each of these figures and the way in which they influenced other poets.
    4. A discussion of the poets who were influenced and inspired by Shlonsky and Alterman or who reacted to them, including Israel Zamora, Yocheved Bat-Miriam, Yonatan Ratosh, Yaakov Orland. 


    Information on Courses for the 2013-2014 Academic Year


    Sunday 12:00-14:00

    The Fundamentals of Poetry – Introductory Course

    The course will construct a scientific infrastructure for the reading and interpretation of poetry. It will explore diverse structural-rhetorical connections of the poetical text and the manner in which the figurative language is framed (e.g. the metaphor, simile, image and metonym) [The course is geared to B.A. students].


    Wednesday 10:00-12:00

    From the Generation of 1948 to the Generation of the State – The Changing of the Poetic Guard: Alterman, Gouri, Gilboa, Halfi, Amichai (Seminar and Lecture)

    This seminar is interdisciplinary in nature and combines poetical, sociological and historical aspects. The seminar will focus on the generational attribution of the poets of 1948 and the role of the War of Independence in the formative consolidation of their poetical oeuvre. The seminar will examine the influence of Natan Alterman on the young poets, as well as the contributions made by Haim Gouri, Ayin Hillel and Natan Yonatan to the framing and fostering of the “Sabra ethos” and the shaping of a collective, at the center of which lay the esprit de corps of the comrades at arms. The course will examine the work of poets such as Avraham Halfi and Amir Gilboa, who responded to the War of Independence taking a unique poetic path that did not comply with the generational norms, on the background of the poetics typical of this generation of poets. A prominent place will be devoted to the poetry of the members of Likrat, in particular, Yehuda Amichai, Natan Zach and David Avidan, and to the revolution they sought to foment, inspired by the Imagist movement – in the type of expression they used in poetry, its rhetoric and figurative formation [Geared to students in their second year and above; open also as a general course].


    Wednesday 12:00-14:00

    The Contours of Uri Zvi Grinberg’s Later Poetry (from the late 1920s on) (Lecture)

    An encounter with the poetry and journalistic writings of Uri Zvi Grinberg, among the greatest Hebrew poets of the Modern Age, on the background of his dramatic defection from the Labor movement in the late 1920s and his enlisting in the Revisionist Tzohar party and the establishment of Brit Habiryonim. The course will explore Grinberg’s political poetry alongside his lyrical and philosophical poems, and will discuss his banishment from the cultural consensus that was taking shape during the yishuv period in wake of the publication of his Sefer Ha-Kitrug Ve-Ha-Emuna [The Book of Indictment and Faith], and his return to the consensus upon the early publication of the poems of Rehovot Ha-Nahar [Streets of the River] in Haaretz and after he twice won the Bialik Prize [Geared to third-year and graduate students]. 



    1. Wolf-Monzon Tamar,Lenoga nekudat hapele: Uri Zvi Grinberg’s poetic and journalistic work, 1920-1928 (Haifa and Tel Aviv: Haifa University Press and Zmora-Bitan, 2005) [Hebrew]

    2. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, Bahir vegavoha kezemer: Ya’akov Orland: Poetics, History, Culture (The Ben Gurion research institute, forthcoming), 400 p. 



    1. Special issue: “Language, Thought and Culture,” in memory of Prof. Moshe Schwarcz, Criticism and Interpretation 37 (2003) [Hebrew]

    2. Co-editor of special issue: “Text, Language, Meaning,” Criticism and Interpretation 38 (2005)

    3. Co-editor of Rehovot ha-nahar by Uri Zvi : Studies and documents, Bar Ilan UniversitGrinbergy Press, Ramat Gan, 2007

    4. Special issue in honor of Prof. Yehuda Friedlander: “Liminality in literature and culture,” Criticism and Interpretation, Vol 43, Spring 2010

    5. Editor of special issue: ‘Hebrew Songs – Poetics, Music, History, Culture’, Criticism and Interpretation Vol. 44, 2012.


    Articles in journals

    1. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “And perhaps we did not come here to uproot mountains”: On a typical ‘no poem’ by Natan Zach and some comments on poetry written during the Lebanon War,” Moznaim,  64 (1990) [Hebrew]

    2. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “Uri Zvi Grinberg’s language in Eyma gdola ve-yareah and Hagavrut ha’oleh and how it compared to the language of his day, 10th International Congress of Jewish Studies, 3, vol. 2, pp. 219-226, International Union of Jewish Studies (1990) [Hebrew]

    3. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “Sadan – Was it really a one-man act?” Criticism and Interpretation, 29 (1993), pp. 18-32 [Hebrew]

    4. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “Uri Zvi Grinberg’s prologue to Eyma gdola veyareah: Overt and covert ars poetica as a response to hostile criticism,” Huliot, Journal of Yiddish Research, 6 (2000) [Hebrew]

    5. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “From patriarchal mastery to the female element in the soul: A study of Uri Zvi Grinberg’s poem Recognition of Being,” Dapim Research in Literature, Haifa University (2002) [Hebrew]

    6. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “Falling into a trance, but with eyes open: Shifting points of view as a key to the compositional organization of the Balaam episode,” Beit Mikra, April-June (2002)  [Hebrew]

    7. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “The repulsive as poetic code: A reading of the poetry of Rami Ditzani,” Tzafon, 7 (2004), Hebrew Writers Association, Haifa [Hebrew]

    8. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “Song of Songs to Labor: Ya’akov Orland’s affinity with the Working Youth movement,” Iyunim Bitkumat Yisrael, 15 (2005), pp. 373-392 [Hebrew]

    9. Wolf-Monzon, Tamar and Livnat Zohar, “The poetic codes of Rehovot Hanahar (Streets of the River),” Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 23 (2) 2005, pp.19-33 [English]

    10. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “Song of Songs to Labor: Ya’akov Orland’s affinity with the Working Youth movement,” Iyunim Bitkumat Yisrael, 15 (2005), pp. 373-392 [Hebrew]

    11. Wolf-Monzon, Tamar and Livnat Zohar, “Collocation and creativity in the language of Uri Zvi Grinberg,” Criticism and Interpretation 38 (2005) pp. 305-331 [Hebrew]

    12. Wolf-Monzon, Tamar, “And sing to the edge of the sword: Poetry, struggle and revolt in the Hebrew Entertainment Troupe in World War II,” Cathedra 127 (2008), pp.89-112 [Hebrew]

    13. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “The text behind the text: Ya’akov Orland: Nathan used to say – 27 poems,” Dapim: Research in Literature,Vol. 16-17, 2009, pp.204-225 [Hebrew]

    14. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “Uri Zvi Grinberg and the pioneers of the Third Aliya – A case of reception,” Prooftexts, vol 29 (2009), pp. 31-62 [English]

    15. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “Between Tza’an and Canaan: The limits of attraction to the Other, a reading of Ya’akov Orland’s unpublished poem Hanna’le of Dorohoy”., Iyunim Bitkumat Israel, Vol. 19 2009, pp. 143-176. [Hebrew]

    16. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “Folk Songs or “Hollow Couplets”: The Role of Songs in the Ethos of the Third Aliyah’”, Criticism and Interpretation Vol 44, 2012, pp. 107-124  [Hebrew]

    17. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “The hand of Esau in the midst here too”- Uri Zvi Grinberg’s Poem “A Great Fear and the Moon” in its historical and political contexts, Israel Studies, Vol. 18 (Spring 2013), pp. 170-193 [English]


    Articles in books

    1. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “Archetypical images as poetic codes: A reading of Uri Zvi Grinberg’s  Hagavrut ha’oleh and the Tur malka poems,” in Lipsker, A. and Kushelevsky, R. (eds.) Ma’aseh sippur, Thematology of the Literature of the Jewish People (2006), pp. 399-429 [Hebrew]

    2. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “The same Sanballat of Tarpat (1929) in Tarpav (1936): Political metaphor in the poetic and journalistic writing of Uri Zvi Grinberg,” in: Weiss, H. (ed.) Hamatkonet vehadmut: Studies on the poetry of Uri Zvi Grinberg (Ramat Gan:  Bar Ilan University, 2000) [Hebrew]

    3. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “Rehovot hanahar – A new poetic language,” in: A. Lipsker and T. Wolf-Monzon (eds.), Rehovot hanahar by Uri Zvi Grinberg: Studies and Documents, 2007, pp.12-14 [Hebrew]

    4. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “Yearning for the Other who knows – On ‘Love of the orange’ and the Tree of Knowledge story’, Sparks of Light, Essays about Dahlia Rabvikoviych’s , eds. Hamutal Tzamir and Tamar Hess, Masa kritit Series, Heksherim Center, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2010, pp. 266-283, [Hebrew] 


    Non-refereed articles

    1. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “Madness is the wisdom of the individual,” Moznaim (1988) [Hebrew]

    2. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “Examination of the links between words and silence in the works of  Yisrael Efrat in the light of Derrida’s ‘difference,’”  Iton 77, 100 (1988) [Hebrew]

    3. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, “The profile of the young religious person in Hebrew literature,” Iton 77, 103-104 (1988), pp. 39-42 [Hebrew]


    Book reviews

    1. “Heretics against their will” (on Yehoshua Bar-Yosef’s Heretic Against His Will) Davar, Masa (August 8, 1986)

    2. “Alexandroni kitsch” (on Yitzhak Gormanzo-Goren’s Blanche), Iton 77, 87 (April 1987)

    3. “Between individual and collective” (on Yehoshua Kenaz’s Infiltration: A Novel), Iton 77, 90 (July 1987)

    4. “Words shrouded in mist” (on Haya Esther’s Radiance), Davar, Masa, August 7, 1987

    5. “Personal criticism” (on Avrahama Hagorni-Green’s Between Maturity and Literature), Davar, Masa, September 18, 1987

    6. “A journey to the wellspring of identity,” (on Dudu Barak’s Poland, Between Grandeur and Dust) Davar, Masa, October 16, 1987

    7. “Lovely distortion” (on Benaya Seri’s “Shade Birds”) Davar, Masa, October 26, 1987

    8. “Three sages lived in our town” (on Kurtzweil, Agnon, Uri Zvi Grinberg – Correspondence, edited by Lillian Deby-Gouri), Iton 77, 93 (October 1987)

    9. “Story stew” (on Ya’akov Orland’s Ethiopia Alley), Davar, Masa, January 15, 1988

    10.  “Madness is the wisdom of the individual” (on Ruth Almog’s Aerial Roots), Moznaim (February 1988)

    11. “Roots of air” (on Ruth Almog’s Aerial Roots) Davar, Masa, April 22, 1988

    12. “Between sophistication and sophistry” (on Rami Ditzani’s Love, Only Love) Davar, Masa, July 8, 1988

    13. “Hanan’s coming of age” (on Hanan Porat’s Anat is the One I Want), Nekuda 122 (July 1988)

    14. “Reality is one thing; fantasy is another” (on Savion Librecht’s Horses on Geha Road), Davar, Masa, August 26, 1988

    15.  “Each to his own” (on Shlomo Tanai’s Telegram), Davar, Masa, February 10, 1989

    16. “Anticipating something non-existent” (on Shulamit Har-Even’s Prophet), Davar, Masa, May 5, 1989

    17. “Lighting candles in all the worlds” (on Hamutal Bar-Yosef’s The Poetry of Zelda) Davar, Masa, May 5, 1989

    18. “Between historical and literary research” (on Nurit Govrin’s Honey from a Rock) Yedioth Ahronoth, September 15, 1989

    19. “Back to 1948” (on A.B. Yaffe’s Written in 1948) Yedioth Ahronoth, October 6, 1989

    20. “Get up on your tiptoes” (on Il-Ul, edited by Hillel Weiss) Nekuda 144 (October 1990)

    21.  “Jerusalem is the problem of all problems, and in it lies all the solutions” (comments on the significance of Jerusalem in the poetry of Uri Zvi Grinberg), Nekuda, 149 (May 1991)

    22.  “The soul of poetry” (on Eitan Eitan’s Shiray ha’elef veshirim livnay adam) Nekuda 150 (June 1991)

    23. “My heart said go” (on the anthology This is My Prayer, edited by Hillel Weiss) Nekuda, 151 (July 1991)

    24. ‘The aroma pomegrante’, Panim, vol. 52-53, 2011


    Reviews of Books in periodicals

    1. Wolf-Monzon Tamar, "My Response to the Ravagers of Zionism, to all the Sanballats, Cathedra, Vol. 141, 2011, pp. 169-173 [Hebrew].


    Papers Presented at Scientific Conferences

    1. “The language of Uri Zvi Grinberg in Eyma Gdola Ve’yareah and Hagavrut Ha’olah and how it compared to the language of his day,” 10th World Congress of Jewish Studies, July 1990

    2. “Jerusalem as tefillin shel rosh and the Jezreel Valley as tefillin shel yad: Time and space coordinates in the poetry of Uri Zvi Grinberg,” 6th University Conference on the Study of Hebrew Literature, Bar Ilan, April 7-10, 1991

    3. Sadan: Was it really a one-man act?” Uri Zvi Grinberg conference marking a decade since his death, Hebrew University, April 22-24, 1991

    4.  “The Same Sanballat of Tarpat (1929) in Tartzav (1936): Political metaphor in the poetry and journalistic writing of Uri Zvi Grinberg,” 11th World Congress of  Jewish Studies, July 1993

    5. “Between symbol and allegory: A look at prose theory,” National Conference on Advanced Teacher Training, Tel Aviv, December 14, 1993

    6. “Style and poetics in the poetry of Eretz Yisrael in the 1920s (Uri Zvi Grinberg, Shlonsky, Shin Shalom),” study day on the Third Aliyah, Yad Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, March 9, 1994

    7. “The poetic text: Interaction between writer and reader,” Study day on “Literacy as Dialogue,” Levinsky Teachers College, December 5, 1994

    8. “The figurative closeness and ideological distance between Uri Zvi Grinberg and Shlonsky in the 1920s,” 10th University Conference on the Study of Hebrew Literature, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, January 17, 1995

    9. “The poetic language of Uri Zvi Grinberg and Shlonsky and its connection to Jewish tradition and sources,” Study day on the Third Aliyah in literature and art, Yad Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, February 20, 1995

    10.  “Between old and new: The debate between the young modernists and Bialik, and its impact on the literary community in Eretz Yisrael in the 1920s,” Study day on the Second and Third Aliyah in literature and art, Yad Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, December 27, 1995

    11. “Uri Zvi Grinberg’s Eretz Yisrael style, 1924-1927,” inter-university conference marking the 100th birthday of Uri Zvi Grinberg, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, April 14, 1997

    12.  “Mefisto’s Hebrew brother: From the prologue of Uri Zvi Grinberg’s Eyma gdola ve’yareah to his Yiddish poem Mefisto,” 12th World Congress of Jewish Studies, July 1997

    13.  “The strong, simple words of a little song: A rereading of the poetry of Ya’akov Orland,” Akavyahu prize ceremony (winner Ya’akov Orland), Bar Ilan University, December 20, 2000

    14. “The poetry of perversion: Keys to the poetry of Rami Ditzani,” Wertheim prize ceremony (winner Rami Ditzani), Bar Ilan University, May 17, 2001

    15.  “The poetry of Ya'akov Orland  and its connection to the verse of Alterman and his generation,” 13th World Congress of Jewish Studies, August 2001

    16.  “Poets and the phantom of the past: Transgression and continuity in Modern Hebrew poetry,” International symposium, Traces, folds and cracks: Sequence types in the literature of the Jewish people, January 9, 2002

    17.  “A mother song from my flesh”: The mother figure in Uri Zvi Grinberg’s early poetry,” National Conference on Advanced Teacher Training, Bar Ilan University, July 4, 2002

    18.  “On authors and creative writing in the Land of the Prophets,” lecture and discussion panel in honor of the publication of Hillel Barzel’s book, The Poetry of Eretz Yisrael: Prophetic Expressionism, Uri Zvi Grinberg House, March 14, 2004 

    19.  “A poetic portrait of Natan Alterman: On Ya’akov Orland’s ‘Natan would say,’” Conference on the work of Natan Alterman marking the 35th anniversary of his death, Haifa University, March 16, 2005

    20.  “Creating a database of the work of Uri Zvi Grinberg – Possibilities for poetic and linguistic research,” Interdepartmental seminar, Department for the Literature of the Jewish People and Department of Hebrew and Semitic Languages, Bar Ilan University, March 22, 2005

    21.   “Dahlia Ravikovitch’s political poetry,” Akavayhu prize ceremony (winner Dahlia Ravikovitch), Department for the Literature of the Jewish People, Bar Ilan University, May 31, 2005

    22.  “The sword of my song:  A key to Ya'akov Orland’s songs of war and mutiny,” Conference: Guess who? Israeli song no. 2, Department of Music, Bar Ilan University, June 2005

    23.  “Collocation and combinations of poetic codes in Uri Zvi Grinberg’s ‘Rehovot hanahar,” NAPH conference of Hebrew Language and Literature, Stanford University, June 21, 2005

    24.  “Compiling an encyclopedia of collocations in the poetic and journalistic work of Uri Zvi Grinberg, 14th Congress of Jewish Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, August 4, 2005

    25.  “Responsibility for the suffering of the Other: The political poetry of Dahlia Ravikovitch,” Conference on the Work of Dahlia Ravikovitch, Tel Aviv University, December 19, 2006

    26.  “Between Faust and Mefisto: On Uri Zvi Grinberg’s attempt to portray a modern Jewish self,” response to the lecture of Karin Neuberger, Minerva Institute for German History, Tel Aviv University,  Ma’aleh Hahamisha, March 1, 2006

    27.  “Spokesman of the Zionist conscience: Uri Zvi Grinberg in Poland, 1932-1934,” editing, directing and producing a film based on rare photographs of Uri Zvi Grinberg taken in Poland in the early 1930s. Screened at inter-university study day devoted to the work of Uri Zvi Grinberg, Bar Ilan University, May 17, 2006

    28.  “Uri Zvi Grinberg and the pioneers of the Third Aliyah: A case of reception,” presented at a convention on authors and poets as cultural heroes, Haifa University, March 20, 2007

    29.  “Jerusalem as tefillin shel rosh, Jezreel Valley as tefillin shel yad: Jerusalem as a symbolic and geographic place in the poetry of Uri Zvi Grinberg in the 1920s,” presented at a convention on Jerusalem from a historic and contemporary perspective, Schechter Institute for Jewish Studies, May 15, 2007.

    30. ‘Folk Songs’ or ‘Hollow Couplets’? - Poetic and Stylistic Features of the Third Alliya's Songs The NAPH Conference of Hebrew Language and Literature, UCL London, July 9 2009      

    31.  A Lyrical Perspective on Tel Aviv's Literary Cafes as a Cultural-Sociological Space, The NAPH Conference of Hebrew Language and Literature, Yeshiva University, N.Y, July 7 2010.                                                                              

    32.  The “Orient”as geographical place and a spiritual-cultural domain in the work of Uri Zvi Grinberg, Judaism in the Mediterranean context, Ninth Congress of the European Association for Jewish Studies, Ravenna, Italy, 26th July 2010.

    33.  “For what reason Uri Zvi Greenberg was persecuted?”, Conference to mark  thirty years after the death of the poet Uri Zvi Greenberg, Bet Moreshet Begin,16th May 2011.

    34.  “Once I become silent alongside music now I seek to sing” - on Miron C. Izakson  composed songs, Music Department, Bar Ilan University, 26th May 2011

    35. And my expectation that all belongs to you – study on three love poems of Orland and Zeira", The NAPH Conference of Hebrew Language and Literature, UCLA, June 25-27, 2012

    36.  “Time for the Orient has come” - The Orient as a spiritual-cultural domain in the work of Uri Zvi Grinberg, Around the point – International Conference, Bar Ilan University, December 17-19, 2012

    37.  New Direction in the research of Uri Zvi Greenberg Poetry, 15th Congress of Jewish Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, August 1, 2013.



    Last Updated Date : 04/12/2022