Call For Papers: Yiddish in Public Space: The Art of Language

The Holocaust Day conference of the Rene Costa Center for Yiddish Studies,
Thursday, 05/09/2024, 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Feldman Hall (building 301), Bar Ilan University
In cooperation with Associations of Jews from Eastern Europe and Greece Living in Israel

Jewish Legacy of Far Eastern Frontiers: Languages, Narratvies, Cognitive Maps - International Conference by the Rena Costa Center for Yiddish Studies, Bar Ilan University, Israel, and Centre for Central Asian Studies, Faculty of History, Adam Mickievicz University in Poznan, Poland, March 18-19, 2024, with participation of researchers from Israel, Poland, Hungary, and Germany

ב-19.02 קיים המרכז ללימודי יידיש בשיתוף המכון הארגנטינאי לחקר תרבות היידיש בבואנוס-איירס הפגנת שירה ביידיש למען שחרור החטופים. ההפגנה נערכה בזום ושודרה לייב ביוטיוב בהשתתפות יצחק הורן, אביו של שני האחים החטופים, אקדמאים, משוררים וזמרות מכל העולם
The global Yiddish voice of solidarity - Yiddish Poetic Rally for the Israeli hostages, organized by The Rena Costa Center of Yiddish Studies (Bar-Ilan University, Israel) and Fundacion IWO (Buenos-Aires, Argentina)


Prof. Ghil'ad Zuckermann


Contemporary Yiddish Writing
Reading Workshop
Vienna, October 9, 2023
The Rena Costa Center for Yiddish Studies,
Bar Ilan University
Oxford School of Rare Jewish Languages
The Institute of Jewish Studies,
Jagiellonian University in Krakow

A Collection of Yiddish Poems
Prof. Shmuel Refael, Dean, Faculty of Jewish Studies, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan
Prof. Giddon Ticotsky, Head of the Program of Yiddish Language, Literature, and Culture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Voices of Yiddish Modernism
David Roskies (Jewish Theological Seminary, New York)
A Swan Song for the Jewish Avant-Garde: Chagall’s Illustrations for the journal Khalyastre, 1922-24
Mirjam Rajner (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan)
Aleksei Granowsky and the Avant-Garde in Yiddish Theater (in Yiddish)
אלעקסיי גראַנאָווסקי און דער אַוואַנגאַרד אינעם ייִדישן טעאַטער
Leonid Roitman (Beth Shalom Aleichem, Tel Aviv)
Avant-Garde in Boxes: Yiddish Treasure Troves at The Israel Goor Theatre Archives and Museum
Leah Gilula (The Israel Goor Theatre Archives and Museum, Jerusalem)
Session 2: Avant-Garde and Yiddish Poetry (part 1)
Chair: Haim Weiss (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Be’er Sheva)
Ascending to Hell: The Poetics of Deconstruction in Platonov and Markish
Elaine Wilson (Columbia University, New York)
Yael Levi (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan)
Session 3: Yiddish Avant-Garde – Linguistic and Thematical Aspects
Chair: Yaakov Herskovitz (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Revisioning the Modernism: Avant-Garde Responses to Pogroms and Revolution, 1910-1925
Efraim Sicher (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva)
Smuggling the Goles: Peripheralities of Language and Location in Oyzer Varshavski’s Shmuglars
Marc Caplan (Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf)
Khalyastre Poets and their Lexical Contribution to the Yiddish Vocabulary (in Yiddish)
Shlomo Groman (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan)
Session 4: Yiddish Avant-Garde in the Russian and Soviet Context
Chair: Rafi Tsirkin-Sadan (Open University, Ra’anana)
Brian Horowitz (Tulane University, New Orleans)
The Desire for Cohesion among the Soviet-Yiddish Avant-Garde
Noa Tsaushu (Columbia University, New York)
Session 5: Avant-Garde and Yiddish Poetry (part 2)
Chair: Claudia Rosenzweig (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan)
A Comparative Study of the Poems Mefisto by U.Z. Grinberg and The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot
Frightful and Fruitful – 1918-1952 – From Avant-Garde to Social Realism and Martyrdom (in Yiddish)
Dov-Ber Kerler (Indiana University, Bloomington)
Nati Cohen, Department of Literature of the Jewish People, The Rena Costa Center for Yiddish Studies, Bar-Ilan University
Roy Greenwald, Department of Hebrew Literature, The Center for Yiddish Culture, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
The Yosef and Nachum Berman Department of Jewish Literature
The Rina Costa Center for Yiddish Studies
2019-2020 Academic Year Opening Day Ceremony
Solo Performance: “My Father’s Daughter”— Bella Bricks-Klein
Monday, 27 Marcheshvan 5780, November 25, 2019 at 12 pm
In the Beck Auditorium (Jewish Studies Building 410)
A glimpse in the inner world of a 2nd generation daughter of the Shoah, who was raised as a daughter of a Yiddish writer. Personal stories in Hebrew from the home of resilience, optimism, and hope—interspersed with cherished Yiddish songs.
Written by Bella Bricks-Klein
Arrangements and directing by Dori Engel
2019 Holocaust Memorial Day