גב' ורד קופל
קורות חיים
Born: Rehovot, Israel, 1953
E-mail: vered.kopel@biu.ac.il
For B.A. in Biblical Studies and Hebrew Literature
For M.A. in Yiddish Literature
Have been working as a Yiddish Tcacher in:
Junior High School (Zalman Aran-Rishon Lezion),
High School (Gimnasia Gan Nahum-Rishon Lezion),
Bar-Ilan University - The Rena Costa Center for Yiddish Studies.
Inspector of Yiddish Studies in the Ministry of Education - for the last three years-in charge of 35 schools-elementary, junior high and high schools.
The studies in high schools enable the students to take a Bagrut (Matriculation) Exam of 3 or 5 points.
Teaching areas:
During the years edited 7 booklets that include material for all levels taught in schools.
- Kadia Molodovsky (Bilingual:Hebrew-Yiddish)
- Jewish High Holidays
- Israel's 50th jubilee
- Passover
- H.N. Bialik
- Mother and Family Day
- Hanukkah (with Rivka Reich)
Each year edits one or two booklets that are meant to be used by school teachers.
כמו כן, נכתב ונדפס ספר לימוד להוראת יידיש "יידיש מיט הארץ און מיט כוונה" - "יידיש עם כל הלב" בשנת 2011
משמשת גם כיו"ר הסגל האקדמי הזוטר באוניברסיטת בר אילן משנת 2019
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 20/12/2022