Guest Lectures


רחל שכטר


Rukhl Schaechter, A Painful Split in the Yiddishist Community since Oct. 7



ד"ר ולנטינה פדצ'נקו

Dr. Valentina Fedchenko, Yiddish and Artificial Intelligence


Yiddish literature in Israel in the context of immigrants from the former USSR
A workshop for a wide audience led by Dr. Shlomo Groman

שלמה גרומן


הרצאה של פרופ' גלעד צוקרמן

Prof. Ghil'ad Zuckermann


מפגש עם פרופ' קוזניץ

Prof. Cecile E. Kuznitz (Bard College, NY), "Scholarship in a Moment of Crisis: YIVO’s Reaction to the Holocaust", Annual Public Lecture in Yiddish for The Sznajderman Chair in Yiddish Studies and Hasidism and The Rena Costa Center for Yiddish Studies, Bar Ilan University, January 9, 2024 "


דניאל רייזר

Prof. Daniel Reiser